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+ FollowAlicia Cook
Professional Writer
- MBA, Saint Peter's University
- BA, Georgian Court University, English Literature
Professional Achievements
- Recipient, 2017’s Everyday Hero award from NJTV
- Recipient, 2018’s Women with Voices award from the Women with Voices Foundation
- Named a 2019 Healthcare Hero finalist by NJBiz
- Recognized by American Songwriter Magazine, 4-time honorable mention
- Awarded 2020 Distinguished Alumni of the Year by her alma mater, Georgian Court University
- Commencement Speaker, Georgian Court University Commencement, 2021
- Awarded "40 Under 40”, the Irish Echo, 2023
- Featured speaker, Oxford University, 2023
- Recipient, 2024 Becker Award, the New Jersey Council of Teachers of English
Favorite Piece of Advice
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Co-authored Articles (43)

How to
Write a Poem
Writing a poem is about observing the world within or around you. A poem can be about anything, from love to loss to the rusty gate at the old farm. Writing poetry can seem daunting, especially if you do not feel you are...

Writing a Haiku: Ideas, Format, and Process
Learn how to write beautiful and poignant haiku poems that capture a momentIf you like the idea of making a profound impact in just a few words, haiku might be the perfect poetry form for you. A haiku (俳句 pronounced ...

How to
Write in Third Person
Learn which POV to use for your next writing assignmentWriting in third person can be a simple task, with a little practice. For academic purposes, third person writing means that the writer must avoid using subjective p...

How to Write a Reflection Paper: An Easy-to-Follow Guide
The best way to write and organize a reflective essay Reflection papers allow you to communicate with your instructor about how a specific article, lesson, lecture, or experience shapes your understanding of class-relat...

How to
Write a Rhyming Poem
Rhyme can add a driving music to your poems, giving them a memorable quality that can be a lot of fun. While not all poems need to rhyme, poems that do rhyme tend to seem all the more spectacular for pulling off such a c...

How to
Write a Limerick
If you want to write a limerick And do it really quick, This wikiHow Will show you how To write a poem that sticks! Limericks are whimsical 5-line poems with an AABBA rhyme structure that usually tell a funny story. Th...

How to
Write Poetry for Beginners
Writing poetry is a way to convey emotions, memories, and nostalgia without directly stating what you are describing. Writing poetry for the first time can be challenging, since there are so many ways to start and finish...

How to
Write a Story for Movie
Have you always dreamed of writing your own movie? It's actually easier than you might think, especially once you've come up with a great idea you can't wait to get down on paper. In this article, we'll walk you through ...

How to
Write a Love Poem
Writing a love poem can be a challenge, as you want to avoid being too sappy or sentimental, but still sincere. You may want to write a love poem for your partner or spouse as a romantic gesture or to celebrate a specia...

How to
Format a Poem
When you're formatting a poem, you're usually making it ready for publication. You may be a bit nervous about sending your poetry out, which is normal. However, formatting shouldn't be something you worry about, as long ...

How to
Write a Poem About Nature
There is a long tradition of poets finding inspiration in nature. It started with ancient Greek poetry and continues to this day. Spending time in nature can give you a sense of peace and inspire your next work of poetry...

How to
Write an Acrostic Poem
When we think of 'poetry', we usually think of poetry that rhymes. But there are many other styles of poetry, and each one is unique. An acrostic is a particular type of poem that does not necessarily have to rhyme. This...

How to
Create a Good Story Title
Though a title may seem like a small thing, it has a significant impact on how your story is perceived. Often the title alone determines whether someone will read your story or pass it by. Fortunately or unfortunately, i...

How to
Write a Free Verse Poem
Let's say you're working on homework or an assignment for school and you're all set to start. There's only one problem: you don't know how to write a free verse poem! Fortunately, this article can tell you how and give y...

How to
Write Poem Titles
You've written a poem, congratulations! Now, you just need to think of a good title that will pique the reader’s interest and set them up for what to expect. Using keywords and details from your poem can help you craft...

How to
Write an Autobiographical Essay
An autobiographical essay is just an essay about something you experienced. Even so, writing an autobiographical essay can be challenging. You might write an autobiographical essay for a class, an application, or just fo...

How to
Write Hindi Poetry
Writing a poem or a song is the best way to express yourself. A poem is something that comes from the heart, so you don't need to have an inborn talent to master it.

How to
Write a Texas Format Essay
A great structure which can be used to help write an essay is the TEXAS format. This is actually necessary in the New Zealand system of qualifications. It's also a great way to structure an essay. However, many people do...

How to
Write a Thesis for a Narrative Essay
In a narrative essay, your thesis will be a bit different than in an argumentative or explanatory paper. A narrative essay is basically you writing a story for the reader. The purpose of a narrative essay is to make a ce...

How to
Sell a Book Idea to a Publisher
If you have developed an idea for a book, or if you have actually written a book proposal, you need to know how to sell a book idea to a publisher, especially if you don't plan to work with an agent. You can sell your bo...