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Am I a Lesbian?

Take this quiz to find out!

Wondering if you’re into girls? Whether your TikTok’s “For You” page is suspiciously full of WLW content or whether you have zero idea what that means but think the girl from that coffee shop is really pretty… this quiz is for you.

Let’s jump in so you can explore how you feel about your sexuality!

Two women standing outside smile at the camera as they hold each other in a tight embrace.

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Questions Overview

1. Have you ever gotten “butterflies” around a girl?
  1. Yes, for sure.
  2. Only when this one specific girl talks to me or looks at me or shows me physical affection.
  3. I’ve felt nervous around a girl before, but I wouldn’t call it “butterflies.”
  4. No. Don’t think so.
2. Do your close female friendships ever feel intense or kind of romantic?
  1. Oh, I’ve definitely had a crush on my best friend.
  2. I’ve had one friendship that did feel a little different.
  3. I’m close with my friends, but I think those are just platonic “girl crushes.”
  4. Nope. Friends are important, but I don’t think about them romantically.
3. When you imagine a future with a guy, what do you picture?
  1. Oof. I can’t picture that at all.
  2. I can see myself ending up with a guy but can’t imagine what he’d look like or be like.
  3. I don’t know if a long-term relationship with a guy is right for me.
  4. That sounds like something I’d want!
4. Who do you mainly have crushes on?
  1. Girls, female celebrities, or fictional female characters.
  2. A mix of girls and guys.
  3. Male celebrities or fictional male characters but never guys IRL.
  4. Guys or my close male friends.
5. How do you feel about queer female characters, celebrities, or influencers?
  1. I will watch or read anything just for the queer representation.
  2. I can identify with lots of queer female characters or famous lesbians.
  3. I can think of a few queer female characters or celebrities I like.
  4. I don’t feel strongly one way or another.
6. Do you feel romantically attracted to guys?
  1. I'm not at all interested in being in a romantic relationship with a guy.
  2. I think I'm more romantically attracted to girls.
  3. I'm not sure, maybe?
  4. I definitely experience romantic attraction to guys.
7. How does it feel to be physically intimate with a guy (or imagine being intimate)?
  1. I’m not into it, and it’s hard for me to imagine.
  2. I’m fine with it, but I don’t get what all the hype is about.
  3. I know I like guys, but I’d be open to being intimate with a girl.
  4. I’m only physically attracted to guys, so it’s great.
8. How would you feel about kissing a girl?
  1. Who else would I kiss?
  2. I’ve kissed a girl and liked it, or I haven’t done it yet but imagine I’d like it.
  3. I would try kissing a girl but don’t know if I’d be into it.
  4. I’m not interested in kissing girls.
9. Do you have a lot of friends who identify as LGBTQ+?
  1. Yes, pretty much all my friends are queer.
  2. A few of my friends are queer, and I feel really connected to them.
  3. I don’t know a ton of queer people, but I’m drawn to the community.
  4. I think most of my friends are straight.
10. Why did you decide to take this quiz?
  1. I’m pretty sure about my identity but just wanted to check.
  2. I already identify as queer, but I’m not sure if I’m only attracted to women.
  3. I’m starting to wonder if I’m interested in both guys and girls.
  4. I’m taking this just for fun!
11. When you imagine kissing or being intimate with your future partner, how do you feel?
  1. As long as I’m with someone I really like, that sounds great.
  2. Good, I guess?
  3. I can’t imagine that and I don’t think I’ll ever want that, regardless of gender.
  4. I’m too young for that.
12. If a woman flirted and expressed attraction toward you, how would you feel?
  1. I’d feel amazing. How can we make this happen?
  2. I’d be interested and want to get to know her better.
  3. I’d be a little intrigued or at least want to be friends with her.
  4. I’d be flattered, but I’d tell her I’m not into girls.
13. How do you feel after watching or listening to queer media?
  1. Very fulfilled. A part of me feels really seen and validated.
  2. Content. I feel like I identify with aspects of it.
  3. Slightly positive. I don’t necessarily relate to it, but I do enjoy it.
  4. Ambivalent. I don’t feel any connection to queer media.
14. Do you ever dream about getting intimate with another woman?
  1. All the time.
  2. Sometimes, but not exclusively.
  3. No, but I haven't really given it much thought.
  4. Not at all.
15. How would you feel if someone assumed you were a lesbian?
  1. Gratified. That feels like an accurate way to describe me.
  2. Intrigued—I wonder how they came to that conclusion.
  3. Confused. That doesn’t sound like me.
  4. Amused. They clearly don’t know me at all!
16. Pretend that 2 years have passed—how likely are you to be dating someone who’s the same gender as you?
  1. Super likely! I could definitely see that happening.
  2. Fairly likely. I’m certainly open to dating someone of the same gender.
  3. Not that likely, but I’ll see how things go.
  4. Not likely at all—I’m not interested in that sort of relationship.

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All About Lesbians & the LGBTQ+ Community

What does the term “lesbian” mean?
The official Stonewall dictionary defines the term “lesbian” as a woman who experiences attraction for other women. Non-binary individuals (who identify outside of the traditional male/female gender binary) can also fall under this umbrella. Lesbian is one of the most common terms in the LGBTQ+ lexicon, along with:

  • Gay: An umbrella term for people who experience attraction to individuals of the same gender identity. While this term is often associated with men specifically, it can apply to anyone who experiences attraction to the same gender.
  • Bisexual: An individual who experiences attraction to the same gender as well as another gender identity (like a woman who’s attracted to both women and men).
  • Transgender: An individual whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth.
  • Queer: A slang term to describe members of the LGBTQ+ community. This includes individuals who experience some variety of same-gender attraction and/or individuals whose gender identity doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth.

Do bisexual and lesbian mean the same thing?
No, the lesbian experience is distinctly different from the bisexual experience. Lesbians are exclusively attracted to women, while bisexual individuals are attracted to more than 1 gender identity. While a bisexual woman and a lesbian can absolutely date, there is no such thing as a “bi lesbian.”

What does the lesbian pride flag look like?
The current lesbian pride flag consists of 7 horizontal stripes in 7 different colors: red-orange, bright orange, light orange, white, fuchsia, light purple, and dark rose. According to the flag’s designer, each stripe carries a specific meaning related to the lesbian community:

  • Red-orange: gender non-conformity
  • Bright orange: independence
  • Light orange: community
  • White: special connection to womanhood
  • Fuchsia: peace and tranquility
  • Light purple: love and sex
  • Dark rose: femininity
  • Note: This iteration tends to be used and referenced more often than the older version of the lesbian flag, which features 7 stripes of different pinks, reds, and white (also known as the “lipstick lesbian” flag). Some community members felt that this flag’s overly feminine theme wasn’t inclusive of all lesbians; because of this, the orange and pink flag has since gained more popularity.

Want to learn more?

There are hundreds of important terms related to sexuality, gender expression, gender identity, and the LGBTQ+ community. For more info, here’s what we recommend:

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  • Leah R.

    Leah R.

    May 27

    "It was really interesting. I love these quizzes."
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