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Co-authored Articles (66)

How to
Identify Worms in a Cat
Intestinal parasites, or worms, commonly occur in kittens and cats. These nasty pests are acquired in a number of ways. Kittens can pick up worm eggs via their mother's milk, young cats may get hookworm infections via th...

How to
Reduce Fever in Cats
Whether it’s you or your cat, having a fever isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a normal immune response that helps the body recover from illness by killing heat-sensitive bacteria. The heat from a fever also incr...

How to
Boil Chicken for Dogs
Can dogs eat chicken? Is chicken good for dogs? The answer to both is yes! Boiled chicken is the best option, whether your pup is sick or you're just looking for a healthy food to feed your dog. In fact, boiled chicken i...

Caring for Your Dog After She's Spayed
A veterinarian-approved post-operative guide Spaying is the surgical process of removing the ovaries and uterus to prevent your dog from getting pregnant. Spaying prevents unplanned litters and uterine infection, and eve...

How to Tell if Your Dog Is in Pain
Has your dog been acting differently? Behavioral and physical changes could be their way of telling you they’re in pain. Before you panic, take a deep breath—not all dogs show pain the same way. You know your furry f...

How to
Hold a Cat
With their cute faces and soft fur, cats can be wonderful creatures to hold. But cats are also known for their fickle personalities: they can also be easily frightened around strangers and even ambivalent about affection...

How to Safely and Comfortably Pick Up a Cat
Expert advice to keep your cat comfortable when you handle them Picking up a cat may sound easy, but there's actually a proper way to do it so the cat is comfortable and doesn't get injured. Make sure the cat feels safe ...

How to
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Cat (Teens)
Do you think you’re ready to care for a pet cat but your parents are more hesitant? We know that a cute and cuddly companion like a cat makes a great pet, but your parents might be tougher to get on board. Luckily, the...

How to
Hold a Cat by the Scruff
The loose skin around a cat's neck is called the scruff. When done properly and only when necessary, scruffing a cat (holding a cat by its scruff) is an effective method of restraint, although it may look uncomfortable o...

How to Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet (And, Should You?)
Explore the ups and downs of potty training a kitty Toilet training your cat is a fun way to teach them a new trick while saving some money on litter. It’s also a pretty simple process that you can do with just some ho...

How to
Get Your Cat to Sleep With You
Sure, you love the idea of your cat cuddling up with you in your bed at night, but can you get your feline pal to agree? Some cats are easier to convince than others, so this article lists several tips that may help you ...

How to Safely Bathe a Cat: Bath & Grooming Tips
A guide to keeping you and your cat calm during bath time While cats can be meticulous groomers, there are times when they really need a bath. Sometimes they get into something very sticky or dirty. Other times, they hav...

How to
Wean Puppies
For the first few weeks of their lives, newborn puppies depend on their mother’s milk for nourishment and survival. Not only does it provide the essential nutrients for growth and development, it also contains antibodi...

How to Tell If Your Cat Has a Fever: Best Thermometers & Techniques
Common signs of a fever in cats and when you need to go to the vetIf your cat has a fever, it could be a sign that they’re sick or have an underlying health condition. The most accurate way to check your cat's temperat...

How to
Train a Cat to Stop Doing Almost Anything
You may love your cat more than anything in the world, but there are certain behaviors, such as tearing up furniture, scratching people, and getting into areas you don’t want them to access, that are simply unacceptab...

How to
Train Your Cat to Listen
Many people think getting a cat to listen to commands is impossible. This is not the case. While cats can be more challenging to train than dogs, with time and patience you can get a cat to listen to you better. To start...

How to
Make a Dog's Dry Food Tastier So He Will Eat It All
Feeding your dog dry food has so many advantages: it’s easy to store, it’s less expensive to buy, and it doesn’t spoil as quickly as wet food does. Also, dry food is better for your dog’s teeth and acts as a natu...

How to
Train Your Cat to Come to You
Cats can be aloof and independent, which isn’t always ideal when you need them to come to you for something, like to get them in their crate for a trip to the vet. Fortunately, even cats can be trained to come to you w...

How to
Get Your Cat to Come Inside
Cats are independent creatures and getting one inside if she doesn't want to come in is the bane of many a cat owner's life. In reality, if you haven't trained your cat to come in, she will only respond to your call if i...

How to
Make Low‐Protein Dog Food
Making basic, low protein food for a dog with early stage kidney disease. It is important to restrict protein in your dog's diet when kidney disease is present.