Pets and Animals
With lots of love and care, your pet can become your lifelong friend. wikiHow's Pets and Animals category is here to help. Learn how to adopt a new pet and care for your new companion, and get expert advice on the best ways to care for pets of all types. wikiHow can help you bond with your dog, have fun with your cat, keep your pet rat clean, and more.
Articles about Pets and Animals

Bury a Cat

What Pet Should I Get Quiz

Bury a Pet

Dress for the Zoo

Behave in a Zoo

Read a Pet Food Label

Ship Live Animals

Be a Good Pet Owner

Brush Matted Fur

Enjoy Having Pet Fish

Keep Your Dog Happy

Catch Small Bugs

Register Your Dog

Measure Dog Height

Care for Slugs

Care for Triops

Raise a Cat

Make a Bird Trap

Care for a Bird

Make a Sock Monkey

Protect Coral Reefs

Raise Rabbits

Build a Reptile Cage

Care for Sea Monkeys

Be Kind to Animals

Become a Veterinarian

Make a Dog Love You

Preserve Insects

Raise Brine Shrimp

Identify Baby Birds