If you’re a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, you may have played a bunch of different classes already…but what class are you at heart? In D&D, classes are like your profession: you could wield cosmic arcane power as a sorcerer, channel the magic of music as a bard, sneak through the shadows as a rogue, or charge into battle using the power of the divine as a paladin.
There’s no wrong answer here, only a bunch of awesome powers and abilities. So, answer the questions below to find out which class you’d be if you were transformed into a D&D character!

Questions Overview
- Fistfight, duh
- Talk them down
- Angrily intimidate them
- Distract them and hide
- Call for help
- Outsmart them
- Hit the dragon!
- Turn into a ferocious beast.
- Cast powerful spells!
- Heal my allies.
- Fire arrows!
- Enchant my weapons.
- A fireball
- A big sword
- A mace and shield
- A pair of daggers
- A lute
- Bare fists
- Learning from wise people
- Dedicated study
- Trial and error
- Using your own judgment
- Improving natural talents
- Cultivating creativity
- Strength
- Constitution
- Dexterity
- Wisdom
- Intelligence
- Charisma
- Yes! I’d dedicate my life to it.
- Yes, but I don’t wanna study!
- Sure, but I’d fight too.
- I can’t decide.
- Only to enhance other skills.
- No, I have other skills.
- Professional athlete
- Zookeeper
- Engineer
- Musician
- Secret agent
- No job (you inherited wealth)
- A magical, mysterious forest
- A dungeon with monsters
- A deity’s corrupted realm
- A city with political intrigue
- A library of enchanted books
- A mountaintop monastery
- Create something unique.
- Keep expanding my skills.
- Live in peace and harmony.
- Make a difference in people’s lives.
- Explore new lands.
- Prove my capabilities.
- I’m friendly.
- I make friends in high places.
- I’m charming (but not outgoing).
- My skills are average.
- I can read people.
- I’m awkward.
- My inventiveness
- My bravery
- My cunning
- My compassion for others
- My devotion to my beliefs
- My knowledge
- Breaking something.
- Winning at arm-wrestling.
- Making a toast.
- Saying hi to everyone.
- Petting the owner’s cat.
- Sitting outside in the fresh air.
More Quizzes
A Guide to Classes in D&D 5th Edition
Classes in Dungeons & Dragons define what your character can do and what they’ll be capable of in the future, as they adventure and gain experience. They can also shape the way a character interacts with the world and the role they play in an adventuring party—both during combat and while exploring or navigating social situations.
Every class comes with a set of unique class features that your character can use—and the higher level they are, the more class features they’ll gain. Each class also has a number of subclasses, which are essentially specializations within a class. Most characters can choose their subclass between levels 1 to 3.
There are 12 core classes in D&D 5e, with a 13th (artificer) being officially added in the 5e Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything rulebook. The classes are:
Artificer. Artificers are inventors and spellcasters who channel magic through their tools and creations.
- Primary ability: Intelligence
- Saving throws: Constitution and Intelligence
- Hit die: d8
- Artificer Specialists: Alchemist, Armorer, Artillerist, and Battle Smith
Barbarian. Barbarians are primal warriors who can fly into a battle rage and use it to empower their attacks.
- Primary ability: Strength
- Saving throws: Constitution and Strength
- Hit die: d12
- Barbarian Paths: Ancestral Guardian, Battlerager, Beast, Berserker, Giant, Storm Herald, Totem Warrior, Wild Magic, and Zealot
Bard. Bards are spellcasters who channel their magic through the power of words, music, and inspiration.
- Primary ability: Charisma
- Saving throws: Charisma and Dexterity
- Hit die: d8
- Bard Colleges: Creation, Eloquence, Glamour, Lore, Spirits, Swords, Valor, and Whispers
Cleric. Clerics are divine champions who wield magic in service to the gods and other higher powers.
- Primary ability: Wisdom
- Saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
- Hit die: d8
- Cleric Domains: Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Peace, Tempest, Trickery, Twilight, and War
Druid. Druids are divine spellcasters who worship the power of nature, shapeshifting into beast form and manipulating the environment.
- Primary ability: Wisdom
- Saving throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
- Hit die: d8
- Druid Circles: Dreams, Spores, Stars, Wildfire, Land, Moon, and Shepherd
Fighter. Fighters are masters of combat who are proficient with all forms of weaponry and armor.
- Primary ability: Strength or Dexterity
- Saving throws: Strength and Constitution
- Hit die: d10
- Fighter Archetypes: Arcane Archer, Battle Master, Champion, Cavalier, Echo Knight, Eldritch Knight, Psi Warrior, Purple Dragon Knight, Rune Knight, and Samurai
Monk. Monks are martial artists who channel the energy in their bodies into powerful attacks, and can fight without weapons.
- Primary ability: Dexterity and Wisdom
- Saving throws: Strength and Dexterity
- Hit die: d8
- Monastic Traditions: Astral Self, Ascendant Dragon, Drunken Master, Four Elements, Kensei, Long Death, Mercy, Open Hand, Shadow, and Sun Soul
Paladin. Paladins are holy warriors who bind themselves to a sacred oath, using a mix of weapons and spells in combat.
- Primary ability: Charisma and Strength
- Saving throws: Wisdom and Charisma
- Hit die: d10
- Paladin Oaths: Ancients, Conquest, Crown, Devotion, Glory, Redemption, Vengeance, Watchers, and Oathbreaker
Ranger. Rangers are rugged warriors and survivors who combine martial combat with nature magic.
- Primary ability: Dexterity and Wisdom
- Saving throws: Strength and Dexterity
- Hit die: d10
- Ranger Conclaves: Beast Master, Fey Wanderer, Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker, Hunter, Monster Slayer, Swarmkeeper, and Drakewarden
Rogue. Rogues are cunning knaves who operate through stealth, trickery, and even thievery.
- Primary ability: Dexterity
- Saving throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
- Hit die: d8
- Roguish Archetypes: Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Inquisitive, Mastermind, Phantom, Scout, Soulknife, Swashbuckler, and Thief
Sorcerer. Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters whose power comes from the innate magic in their bloodline.
- Primary ability: Charisma
- Saving throws: Charisma and Constitution
- Hit die: d6
- Sorcerous Origins: Aberrant Mind, Clockwork Soul, Draconic Bloodline, Divine Soul, Lunar Sorcery, Shadow Magic, Storm Sorcery, and Wild Magic
Warlock. Warlocks are spellcasters who gain magic by making bargains with extraplanar beings of immense power.
- Primary ability: Charisma
- Saving throws: Charisma and Wisdom
- Hit die: d8
- Otherworldly Patrons: The Archfey, The Celestial, The Fathomless, The Fiend, The Genie, The Great Old One, The Hexblade, The Undead, and The Undying
Wizard. Wizards are arcane spellcasters and masters of magic who learn their craft through intense scholarly study.
- Primary ability: Intelligence
- Saving throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
- Hit die: d6
- Arcane Traditions: Abjuration, Bladesinging, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Order of Scribes, Transmutation, and War Magic
Want to learn more?
To learn more about D&D, classes, and other cool aspects of the game, check out the following resources: