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Driving can be scary, whether you are a first-time driver or experienced behind the wheel. You may feel nervous, anxious, or lacking confidence. You may also be nervous about driving again following a car accident. However, you can take steps to lessen your anxiety through practice, educating yourself, and relaxation techniques.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Practicing Your Driving

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  1. If you are too nervous to drive across town, make a shorter trip -- even if it is just around the block. Do not get yourself so worked up that driving becomes a bigger deal than it is. Unless you are overwhelmed with anxiety and terrified to get into a car, make yourself drive. Remember, even taking a small step still counts as practice.[1]
    • Push your comfort zone a little at a time. For example, you may want to start by sitting in a parked car, getting used to all the controls, before you ever put the key in the ignition. Once you are comfortable doing that, you may want to start the car, shift the car into drive, and then back into park. Slowly build on your comfort level.[2]
    • Figure out if your fear of driving is generalized or specific to one aspect of driving. If it is the latter, practice mastering the feared skill. For example, you may be terrified to parallel park. You may wish to find an empty street where you can practice maneuvering between safety cones, and when you have mastered that, perhaps you can try parking between two friends' cars.
  2. Get used to driving in quiet areas before practicing in traffic. Find quiet side streets or an empty parking lot, and get used to starting, stopping, signaling, turning, reversing, and so on. Learn to control your vehicle and to find the controls someplace where you don't have to worry about traffic or other drivers.
    • Work up to busier roads and longer drives as you start to feel comfortable operating the car.
    • You may wish to practice driving only during the day at first. You will feel more confident simply because you are able to see better.
  3. Driving with someone you trust may help you to feel at ease in the car. If anything bad should happen, this person will be there to assist and advise you, and even to take over if traffic or conditions gets to be too much for your experience or confidence level.
    • Make sure you are driving with a person who is naturally calming to you. For example, you probably want a person who will calmly tell you, “Oops, looks like we missed the turn back there. How about you pull into this parking lot and turn around?” instead of shouting, “That's where we needed to turn!”
    • Let your friend or family member know how they can be supportive to you in the car. Maybe you would like them to tell you about their day to help keep your mind calm. Or maybe you would prefer quiet to concentrate.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Learning about Cars and Driving

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  1. By learning more about your car, you can find out how it works, learn about its safety features, and learn how to troubleshoot problems. A better understanding of a car makes you feel comfortable with it. Learn about the parts of your car, and then experiment with your driving, away from other cars, to see how they work.
    • For example, if your car has anti-lock brakes (ABS), try them out in a safe place, before you need to use them. Get up to a medium speed, and press the brake hard. You may feel the pedal pulse, or hear a pulsing noise. That's exactly what it's supposed to do. Anti-lock brakes are designed to stop your car in the shortest possible distance, by automatically pulsing the brakes to prevent you from skidding.
    • Get used to your own car. It may be better for you to practice driving in the same vehicle until you get more confident. All cars are a little different and have their own quirks.
  2. Learn how to fill up washer fluid, replace fuses, put air in your tires, or replace windshield wipers. Getting comfortable with the parts of your car, even if they are very basic, can help you feel more confident and less anxious.
    • Learn how to change a tire. A lot of people are afraid of what they will do in the event of a flat tire. If you can change a tire, you will not need to wait at the side of the road for help. You can feel empowered to solve your problem.
  3. Consult the highway code or book an appointment with a qualified driving instructor. Feeling knowledgeable about rules and expectations can help your confidence.
    • Watch safe driving videos online. If you can't get to a class, try watching videos to build skills and increase your confidence level.
  4. Take a defensive driving class. Learn to identify and correct or avoid difficult situations, before they become emergencies. Your anxiety level may be reduced by feeling more prepared to handle problematic scenarios.
    • Not only will you learn valuable, confidence-boosting driving skills, but you can often get a discount on your insurance premiums for completing a reputable defensive driving training course.[3]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Staying Calm While Driving

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  1. To lessen your anxiety, it might help you to have everything ready for your journey. Figure out what items or steps you could take that would make you feel better, and then plan ahead. For example, you might wish to:
    • Fill up the car with gas.
    • Check the tire pressure.
    • Have a first aid kit in the trunk.
    • Have phone numbers of people to call in case of an emergency.
    • Have directions printed out or ready to go in your phone before you leave.
  2. Don't engage in risky behavior, like speeding or looking at your phone while driving, that could increase your anxiety level. It also increases your risk of an accident.
    • Do not feel like you need to drive more aggressively than you are comfortable with. For example, a lot of people accelerate through yellow lights, but you might want to drive more cautiously until you feel less anxious and more confident.
    • Do not talk on the phone while driving, and never text and drive. Your phone can wait until you arrive.
    • Don't worry about what other people on the road are doing, even if they're honking or speeding around you. Just focus on the road ahead of you and driving safely.[4]
  3. Visualization tricks your brain into feeling like you were actually there. It helps you feel calmer and more confident, because you are now able to draw on the “experience” you already have.[5]
    • Before you start driving, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try imagining yourself going through all the steps of starting the car: buckling your seat belt, turning on the engine, getting out of your parking place, and successfully driving to your destination with confidence and calmness.
    • Visualize the route and passing landmarks on your route if you can.
  4. Utilize deep breathing techniques. Focusing on your breathing can help you remain present and calm. Once you get good at mindful breathing, you will find it to be a relaxation tool you can utilize anywhere![6]
    • An easy technique to try while you are driving is simply breathing in through your nose, feeling your belly and lungs expand as air fills your body, and then fully exhale out your nose.
  5. Relaxing music at low volume can help you calm down. Do not listen to anything that will further agitate you.
  6. Lift your spirits with positive or silly words and fun songs. Maybe you only want to do this when you are alone so you don't feel self-conscious.
    • For example, you could repeat a mantra, like “I'm doing a great job. I'm confident and calm. I will get to my destination on time and safely.”
    • Make yourself laugh. Be silly with your speeches -- no one is going to hear you! For example, you could narrate your drive like you're in a race car: “She's coming round the corner… will the Accord let her merge? YES! She's moved into first place, ladies and gentlemen!” Laughter will help you relax.[7]
    • Singing your favorite, guilty-pleasure songs at the top of your lungs can help you enjoy yourself. Not only is it fun, but singing helps you focus on your breathing and remain present, which helps relieve stress.[8]
  7. If you have tried some relaxation techniques and are still feeling anxious behind the wheel, you may wish to seek counseling from a counselor who specializes in phobias. Fortunately, with professional help, phobias generally require fairly straightforward treatment.
    • You will most likely work with a professional using exposure therapy techniques; that is, getting a little more comfortable with one aspect of driving at a time, slowly building your tolerance level.[9]
    • You may also wish to learn more about Overcoming a Driving Phobia.
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Common Questions: Boosting Your Confidence Behind the Wheel

How do you get confident driving alone?

Drive in a familiar area during the daytime. If you’re nervous, take short trips around your neighborhood until you get used to being on the road. Turn off the radio and put your phone on silent mode to minimize distractions.[10]

How do you drive confidently on the highway?

Take lessons or practice driving with a loved one to build your confidence. When merging on the highway, pick up speed on the entrance ramp so you can slide in easily, then stay in the right lane and pay attention to your surroundings. Plan your route carefully and avoid rush hour until you get comfortable.[11]

How can you enjoy driving if you're a nervous driver?

Practice driving short and familiar routes, then gradually venture out once you become more confident. Practice deep breathing and other relaxation techniques to stay calm during the drive. If you’re extremely anxious, seek support from a therapist or driving instructor to learn effective coping strategies.[12]

How can I have fun while driving?

Listen to a new album, audiobook, or podcast to keep yourself entertained on the road. If there’s someone else in the car with you, share stories, talk about the scenery, or play a fun driving game together.[13]


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About This Article

Simon Miyerov
Co-authored by:
Driving Instructor
This article was co-authored by Simon Miyerov. Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience. His mission is to ensure the safety of everyday drivers and continue to make New York a safer and efficient driving environment. This article has been viewed 339,845 times.
56 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: February 27, 2024
Views: 339,845
Article SummaryX

To get over a fear of driving, make short trips on quiet roads until you’re more comfortable and confident. You can also try practicing deep breathing or listen to quiet music while you drive to help you stay calm. Alternatively, ask a low-key friend or family member to ride with you, and let them know how they can help. For example, you may want them to distract you by talking about their day, or you may want their help reading road signs. You may also feel less afraid if you read your owner’s manual and understand more about how your car works. To learn how reviewing the rules of the road and taking a defensive driving class can help you get over your fear of driving, read on!

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    Nozibusiso Chivinda

    Jul 28, 2017

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