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Which Harry Potter Character Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

You’ve always dreamt of getting your Hogwarts letter. You know what House the Sorting Hat would put you in and where you would visit in Hogsmeade. What can you say? You’re a huge fan! But have you ever imagined who you'd be in the Wizarding World? Would you be the boy who lived or the brightest witch of her age?

Answer these questions about your magical preferences and personality to learn which Harry Potter character you resemble most.

Hogwarts Castle sits atop a rocky cliff above the lake, surrounded by the Forbidden Forest.

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Questions Overview

1. You’re at Ollivander’s getting your first wand. Which wand speaks to you?
  1. The one with the phoenix feather core.
  2. The one made of vinewood.
  3. The dark one with a unicorn hair core.
  4. The most durable one (I’m pretty accident-prone).
2. How would your friends describe you?
  1. Brave, resilient, and ambitious
  2. Smart, clever, and bright
  3. Silly, loyal, and humble
  4. Clumsy, forgetful, and kind
3. It’s your first year at Hogwarts. What class are you most looking forward to?
  1. Herbology
  2. Lunch (if that counts)
  3. Transfiguration (study of altering the form of an object)
  4. Defence Against the Dark Arts
4. How would you describe your childhood?
  1. Lonely. I didn’t have many friends growing up.
  2. Chaotic. I’m the youngest sibling.
  3. Encouraging. My parents always looked out for me.
  4. Exhausting. I’m always trying to prove myself.
5. What animal do you hope your patronus is?
  1. Dog
  2. Rabbit
  3. Deer
  4. Horse
6. Out of these options, what are you most afraid of?
  1. Spiders
  2. Failure
  3. Losing loved ones
  4. He Who Must Not Be Named
7. Quidditch tryouts are here! What position do you want to play?
  1. Seeker (Harry's position). I’ve got a good eye.
  2. Keeper, because I'm super athletic.
  3. Chaser, because I’m not afraid to get bruises.
  4. I’d rather not play, but I’ll cheer my House on from the stands!
8. In class, you’re usually the student who:
  1. Knows all the answers. What? I study.
  2. Goofs off. Learning is just boring.
  3. Asks intuitive questions. I want to learn about what’s not in the textbooks.
  4. Praises the teacher. I’m a bit of a teacher’s pet.
9. What do you value most?
  1. Family
  2. Intellect
  3. Justice
  4. Kindness
10. Which of these magical creatures fascinates you the most?
  1. Nargles (tiny, pixie-like thieves that may or may not exist)
  2. Hippogriffs (a half-eagle half-horse beast)
  3. Mandrakes (a magical plant that resembles a crying baby)
  4. Pygmy Puffs (a cute pet that resembles a fluffy ball)
11. The weekend is here—you get to go to Hogsmeade! What’s your first stop?
  1. I’ll go to a sweet shop, like Honeydukes.
  2. I’ll go somewhere spooky and magical, like Diagon Alley.
  3. I’ll go where there’s a buffet, like The Three Broomsticks.
  4. I’ll go somewhere I can get quidditch stuff, like Quality Quidditch Supplies.
12. If you could have any potion at your disposal, which would you have?
  1. Felix Felicis (liquid luck). That could come in handy.
  2. Amortentia (a love potion). Maybe it’d help me talk to my crush.
  3. Elixir of Life (the potion of eternal life). Living forever sounds fun.
  4. Draught of Peace (an anxiety-relieving potion). I’ve been extra stressed lately.
13. Which of these professors are you most excited to meet?
  1. Professor Snape
  2. Professor Sprout (Herbology teacher)
  3. Professor Trelawney (Divination teacher)
  4. Professor McGonagall
14. You’re planning a trip with your friends. You’re likely the one who:
  1. Organizes everything. Detailed itineraries are a must.
  2. Suggests an adventurous activity. I love a good thrill!
  3. Forgets something at home. This is why I should make lists.
  4. Goes along for the ride. I don’t care what we do, as long as we’re together.

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Harry Potter Characters: The Main 7

There are over 200 characters in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. From the Dursleys to the Weasleys to Sirius Black and Dumbledore, there’s a character to fit every personality. But a few characters stand out amongst the rest—the main 7. These characters are at the front of the battle lines, doing everything they can to stop He Who Must Not Be Named. They band together to create an unstoppable friend group that will go to the ends of the earth for each other. Who are they? Take a look at their background and characteristics below:

  • Harry Potter—the boy who lived. Orphaned as a baby by Voldemort, Harry’s destined to defeat the Dark Lord. Sorted into Gryffindor, he’s brave, courageous, and loyal.
  • Hermione Granger—the brightest witch of her age. Born of Muggle parents, Hermione is new to the Wizarding World; however, she doesn’t act like it. Her intelligence, bravery, and loyalty put her in Gryffindor.
  • Ron Weasley—the funniest friend. The middle child of 7, Ron is courageous, caring, and a bit moody. His passionate nature and strong demeanor put him in Gryffindor with the rest of his siblings.
  • Ginny Weasley—the independent one. The 7th child of the Weasley clan, Ginny is surely a force to be reckoned with. She may be petite, but she’s stronger than she looks. Her lively, adventurous, and loyal personality puts her in Gryffindor with the rest of the Weasleys.
  • Neville Longbottom—the shy one. Orphaned by Voldemort at a young age like Harry, Neville has had a sheltered upbringing. He’s naturally reserved, introverted, and forgetful. Even so, his courage and just virtues put him in Gryffindor.
  • Luna Lovegood—the dreamer. Raised by her father, Luna is the peculiar one of the group. She’s open-minded, caring, and sweet-tempered. Her intelligence and highly perceptive nature make her a lead character in Ravenclaw.
  • Draco Malfoy—the outsider. The only son of a family of Death Eaters, Draco has been raised to despise Harry Potter. On the surface, he’s selfish and mean, acting more like a bully to Harry and his friends. But underneath, he’s insecure, seeking the approval of his father. Sorted into Slytherin, Draco’s cunning, quick-witted, and intelligent.

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  • Eli S.

    Eli S.

    Jun 17

    "I love Harry Potter, so this just makes it more thrilling for the Harry Potter fans!!"
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