You step into the Great Hall at Hogwarts. You smell pumpkin juice and meat pie. Professor McGonagall is at the end of the Hall with the Sorting Hat in her hands. This is it—you’re getting sorted into the best magical school ever!
Will you be a Gryffindor like Harry, Ron, and Hermione? Or a Slytherin like Draco? Take this quiz to find out!

Questions Overview
- Being an awesome Quidditch player.
- Unlocking any enchanted door.
- Befriending every house-elf.
- Talking to snakes.
- Go outside and play with my friends.
- My homework. School is important to me.
- Something creative! Maybe I’ll read, write, or draw.
- Watch TV. I want to relax.
- Lion
- Bird
- Dog
- Snake
- Pizza
- Spaghetti
- Grilled cheese
- Tacos
- An amusement park with the tallest roller coasters ever.
- A cabin in the mountains near a big lake.
- A tropical beach with sunshine and a pool.
- A big city with great museums, restaurants, and parks.
- Werewolf
- Mermaid
- Unicorn
- Dragon
- Owl
- Cat
- Toad
- Rat
- Astronaut
- Teacher
- Artist
- President
- Grant my friends' wishes.
- Go back in time.
- Talk to animals.
- Build a super cool castle with my powers.
- Brave
- Smart
- Kind
- Clever
More Quizzes
Hogwarts Fun Facts
In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, there are 4 houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is sorted into a house based on their personality. Those who are brave represent Gryffindor, the smartest go-to Ravenclaw, the kindest in Hufflepuff, and the cleverest in Slytherin. And while the sorting itself may be fun, being in a House is even more fun! Check out these fun facts to learn more about Hogwarts and the Houses:
- Each Hogwarts House has a mascot: the Gryffindor Lion, Ravenclaw Eagle, Hufflepuff Badger, and Slytherin Snake.
- The entrance to the Hufflepuff Common Room is behind a pile of barrels, which you must knock and tap the rhythm of “Helga Hufflepuff” on before entering.
- Each House has its own ghost: Slytherin has the Bloody Baron, Hufflepuff the Fat Friar, Ravenclaw the Grey Lady, and Gryffindor has Nearly Headless Nick.
- There are no boys allowed in the girls' dormitories of any House. If you try to climb the stairs to a dormitory you don’t belong in, the stairs will magically turn into a slide and whisk you away!
- There are 142 staircases in Hogwarts.
- The Great Hall’s ceiling is enchanted to look like the sky.
- Hogwarts is located in the Highlands of Scotland.
- Muggles (or non-magical folks) cannot see Hogwarts. Instead of a gorgeous castle, they’ll see ruins and a sign saying “Keep Out!”
- The Hogwarts school year always begins on September 1st.
- The school’s motto is “Never tickle a sleeping dragon” (or “Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus” in Latin).
Want to learn more?
For more information about Hogwarts Houses and the Wizarding World, check out these resources: