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Am I Hot?

Take this quiz to find out what type of hot person you are.

We’ve all looked into a mirror at some point and wondered what other people are seeing. Do they think I’m attractive? Hot? Unique? There’s no shame in wondering, and the truth is that beauty comes in all different forms! And we all know that hotness isn’t just about how you look—it’s also about your vibe and aura.

In short, it’s pretty complicated. And that’s why we’re here to answer the question for you! Click “Start Quiz,” and we’ll reveal how other people see you.

A woman applying lip gloss in a mirror.

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Questions Overview

1. Do strangers often come up to you and make conversation?
  1. People sometimes try to flirt with me, but that's not very surprising.
  2. Strangers don't usually try to talk to me. I'm a little intimidating, and I like it that way.
  3. Strangers sometimes strike up casual conversations! I think I'm pretty easy to talk to.
  4. People sometimes compliment my style or my accessories, which always feels nice!
2. Do you find that other people are usually willing to help you when you need it?
  1. All the time. Actually, I don't usually even need it, and they offer to help anyway.
  2. I can almost always get help if I ask for it, but I don't usually need help.
  3. Totally. I'm always asking for help, and people tend to smile and lend a hand.
  4. I'm not sure. I guess that's not really something I've thought about...
3. When people compliment you, what do they usually say?
  1. They often compliment my physical features.
  2. They tend to compliment my intelligence or talents.
  3. They usually compliment my personality or work ethic.
  4. They usually compliment my style or outfits.
4. Do you ever catch people staring at you in public?
  1. Yeah, all the time, and it's honestly kinda weird.
  2. People sometimes steal glances now and then, but I wouldn't say they stare at me.
  3. Hmm, I don't really think people stare at me, or I haven't noticed!
  4. People sometimes stare, but they tend to look away when I notice.
5. What do you like most about yourself?
  1. My body! I work hard to stay healthy and strong.
  2. My style! I dress cool, know of great music and movies, and just generally have great taste.
  3. My personality! I’m warm, likable, kind, and trustworthy.
  4. My passion! I’m full of life and go after what I want—and people like to be around me because I energize them.
6. How do you think other people see you?
  1. As someone who knows who they are, and won't compromise on being themself.
  2. As someone who worked hard to get where they are, and shares success with others.
  3. As someone who's a good ally and a better friend, and always knows just what to say.
  4. As someone who's open-minded and always willing to grow and change.
7. Time to get real: Which of these insecurities do you relate to the most?
  1. Insecurity? I don't think I have any insecurities. I'm the complete package.
  2. I sometimes worry that my personality is too cold or reserved. I want to open up more!
  3. I sometimes feel like I blend in too much, or that people don't notice me. I want to stand out more!
  4. I sometimes get self-conscious about a certain physical feature, if I’m being honest!
8. Choose a fashion aesthetic:
  1. Barbie/Ken on the beach. I like to show a little skin and flash my supermodel smile!
  2. Fashion week. I’m thinking designer outfits with trendy accessories.
  3. College professor. My dream outfit is a knitted sweater, chic glasses, and a sensible overcoat.
  4. Vintage fashion. If every part of my outfit looks like it’s from a different generation, I did something right.
9. How do you feel about makeup?
  1. The more, the better. I could spend hours playing around with cosmetics.
  2. I've got my makeup routine down to a science. I wear it, but prefer not to spend much time on it.
  3. I like to put on the basics, like concealer or mascara, but I don't do much.
  4. I don't use makeup! Just not for me.
10. Choose a way to get up and active:
  1. Running on the treadmill watching my shows.
  2. A long hot yoga session with a cold shower afterward.
  3. A brisk walk through an autumnal forest.
  4. Boxing with a punching bag, my music blasting.
11. What’s your social media presence like?
  1. I mostly post photos of myself and my friends having fun!
  2. I usually post about work, my travels, or projects. It's a little professional!
  3. I don't really use social media platforms! I prefer to keep things offline.
  4. I post about pop culture or my current interests, but don't really make it personal.

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Embracing Your Beauty

“Beauty” is sort of a tricky thing to pin down, isn’t it? Every day, we see advertisements for products that are supposed to make us look more appealing—but they all do totally different things. And besides, is there actually just one way to be hot? No, there isn’t!

The truth is, if you’re always comparing yourself to the models you see on TV, and holding yourself to the standards beauty companies set, you’re doing yourself a disservice. The truth is, there are so many ways to be beautiful, and you have everything you need already (without any product’s help!). So how can you embrace your natural beauty and feel truly satisfied with your looks? Here are some tips:

Appreciate everyday beauty.
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! But if you’re only ever seeing faces that look like they should be in a magazine, you probably won’t feel that way. Take a moment to peek at people all around you—on the subway, in line at the coffee shop—and ask yourself what’s beautiful about them. Do they look unique? Are they particularly stylish? Maybe they just take the time to smile at other people! If you practice finding beauty in everyday people, it’ll help you find it in yourself.

Dress to impress yourself, not other people.
This one can be tricky sometimes! Who are you trying to impress if not other people? Well, the answer is: yourself (AKA, the most important person)! When you put on makeup or choose an outfit, ask yourself: Am I wearing this because I want to, or because I feel like other people want me to? Do I feel comfortable in it? Does it express me and my personality, or does it express a personality I want other people to think I have, so that they like me? Asking these sorts of questions is the first step in building a healthier relationship with beauty standards.

Tell yourself you’re stunning, because you are!
One super easy way to love yourself a little more is just to say it! Think about how you feel when someone tells you they love you—warm and fuzzy, right? Well, how are you ever going to believe that you love yourself if you don’t say it every once in a while? On your way out the door, stop in front of a mirror and say, “Hey, you look gorgeous, just like every other day! And I love you even when you don’t think you look gorgeous.”

Want to learn more?

For more information about beauty standards and mental health, check out these helpful resources:

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  • Anonymous


    Jun 20

    "It helped me to know who I am."
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