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How Tall Will I Be?

Take this quiz to predict your future height.

You’re growing taller every day, but we know sometimes it’s hard to wait. In the meantime, you can’t help but wonder: How tall will I be when I’m done growing?

We’re here to help! Just answer these 10 quick questions, and we'll make an educated guess about how high you’ll grow. To peer into our crystal ball, click “Start Quiz” now.

Disclaimer: Of course, we’re not doctors, and it’s hard for anyone to say exactly how tall you’ll grow, so remember: it’s just a prediction! Also, most people stop growing at 18, so if you’re older than that, you might already have your answer…

A young girl holding her hand over the head of a young boy.

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Questions Overview

1. How tall are you right now? (If you don't know, take your best guess!)
  1. About 3 feet (91 cm) or shorter. Three feet is about the height of a kitchen table.
  2. About 3 - 3.5 feet (91 - 106 cm) tall. This is a little taller than a baseball bat.
  3. About 3.5 - 4 feet (106-122 cm) tall. This is about 4 big soda bottles stacked up.
  4. More than 4 feet (122 cm) tall.
2. Do you eat veggies with every meal?
  1. Yuck! I almost never eat veggies.
  2. I eat them sometimes, but only the veggies I like.
  3. I eat veggies every day and with every meal.
  4. I eat veggies all the time. They're my favorite snack!
3. How tall is your mom?
  1. Kinda short.
  2. I'm not sure.
  3. Pretty average.
  4. Pretty tall.
4. How tall is your dad?
  1. Kinda short.
  2. I'm not sure.
  3. Pretty average.
  4. Pretty tall.
5. Don't move! Are you slouching right now?
  1. Definitely. I am always slouching.
  2. I might be slouching a little bit, but not much.
  3. I'm not slouching right now. I'm sitting up straight.
  4. I’d never slouch. I stretch my spine at least once a day.
6. Are you good at limbo? (Trust us, we need to know. For science.)
  1. Super good. I barely even have to bend backwards.
  2. I'm not sure.
  3. I'm alright. But it gets tough when the bar gets low.
  4. I'm terrible at it. I have trouble even when the bar is up high.
7. Do you move around a lot every day?
  1. I don't really get active. I prefer sitting still.
  2. I move a little, like walking to places, but I don't really run.
  3. I exercise plenty. I play sports, or play around outside.
  4. I'm always running, biking, swimming, or being active. I hate sitting still.
8. How much sleep do you get each night, on average? (Take your best guess!)
  1. Less than 5 hours.
  2. About 5-6 hours.
  3. About 6-7 hours.
  4. 7 hours or more.
9. Do you feel like you've gotten taller in the past year or so?
  1. Not really. I'm still waiting for my growth spurt!
  2. I'm not sure.
  3. A little. I can tell I'm growing.
  4. Totally! I've been growing a ton lately.
10. Do you drink lots of water?
  1. Not a lot. I prefer soda and other soft drinks.
  2. I drink a little water each day, but I'm not exactly chugging it.
  3. I drink plenty of water, like 2-3 glasses.
  4. I'm basically guzzling water every moment I'm awake.

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Growing Taller Every Day!

What determines how tall people grow?
Great question! For the most part, how tall you get is based on your genetics, or the “code” inside your body that tells it to do different things, like what color hair you’ll have, your skin tone, and yes, how tall you’ll get! Your parents both chip in to your genetics, so your body’s “code” is a mix of your mom's and dad’s codes. If your parents are both tall, you’ll most likely be tall, too! But genetics is a funny thing—sometimes people who have 2 short parents still grow up to be super tall. It’s also based on chance!

It’s not all genetics, though. How you treat your body while it’s growing can play a huge part, which means you can help yourself grow taller each day if that’s what you want!

When do people stop growing?
Science suggests that we reach our tallest height at around 18 years old. Once we hit that age, we probably won’t grow much more.

Is it better to be tall?
No height is better than any other height. Height doesn’t have anything to do with how healthy, strong, and capable you are. At the end of the day, the best height for you is whatever height you end up being!

Taking Care of Your Body to Grow Taller

  • Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of protein, fruits, and veggies.
  • Cut down on sugary foods like oily snacks or sweets, which don’t offer much nutrition.
  • Get plenty of sleep! Aim to get 9-12 hours of shuteye each night.
  • Drink more water. Growing bodies need about 4-5 glasses each day.
  • Exercise! Your body needs at least an hour of good, blood-pumping activity every day. Get outside, play sports, or just play around with friends.
  • Don’t sweat it! As long as you’re taking care of your body, it’ll do its thing, so don’t worry too much about growing taller. You’ll get as big as you need to be, so focus on enjoying life.

Want to learn more?

For more information about growing big and strong, check out these helpful links: