Sex is a part of life, but some of us just focus a bit more on it than others. Sometimes, that’s because of hypersexuality, a personality trait that causes a heightened sex drive, whether that means having more sex, or just thinking about it more often than others.
Think you might be hypersexual? We’re here to help! Just answer these 12 totally private and judgment-free questions, and we’ll interpret your answers to give you an informed guess!
(Just remember, we’re not medical professionals, and a 12-question online quiz won’t tell you everything you need to know. Instead, consider this a sort of casual self-assessment, and if you want an official diagnosis, talk to your doctor!)

Questions Overview
- All the time, more or less.
- A few times a day.
- Almost never, or only if someone else brings it up.
- I don't know.
- Excited. This is my fantasy…
- Flattered. But I wouldn’t be interested till I knew them better.
- Uncomfortable. That’s a weird thing to ask a stranger…
- I don't know how I’d feel.
- Probably more.
- Probably average.
- Probably fewer.
- I have no idea.
- Of course. That sounds fun!
- Only to people I know very well/am in a relationship with.
- Never.
- I don't know.
- Yes, all the time. Sometimes it's hard to think about anything else.
- Sometimes, but it's not a big deal. It usually passes quickly.
- Pretty much never. That's not a problem for me.
- I don't know.
- Yes, I post or share that kind of thing often.
- I like sexual content, but I don't share it.
- I don't interact with that kind of content.
- I don't know.
- Yes, frequently.
- Rarely. I usually feel pretty comfortable with my sex drive.
- Never.
- I don't know.
- No, I often have sex without any sort of attachment.
- Yes, sex helps me get closer to my partner(s).
- No, I prefer to form connections in other ways.
- I don't know.
- Yes, I’ve tried to limit them, but they feel totally out of my control.
- A little. I feel strong urges, but I can stop them when I really focus.
- No. I can shut them down easily whenever I want.
- I don't know.
- Yes, it’s one of my go-to ways to cure boredom.
- Maybe once or twice, but not often.
- Never.
- I don't know.
- Yes, often. So I try hard to look for ways to mix it up to make it more exciting.
- Now and then, maybe. But it's never completely killed the mood.
- No.
- I don't know.
- Yes, but it didn't work.
- Yes, and it worked pretty well.
- No, I've never felt the need to.
- I don't know.
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About Hypersexuality
What is hypersexuality?
Hypersexuality is a heightened, and sometimes intense, urge to have sex. People with hypersexuality usually have increased libidos, or sex drives, and may find it difficult to get that libido in check. It’s not an uncommon trait, but it’s one we don’t talk about often enough, largely because of society’s stigmas around sexuality and sexual activity.
Is hypersexuality a problem?
Not on its own, no! There are many, many people who live with heightened sex drives who live perfectly normal lives. Maybe they have sex more often than the next person, but as long as they’re practicing safe and consensual sex, there’s nothing to be worried or ashamed of.
The concerns arise when hypersexuality becomes compulsive sexuality or sexual addiction. These are conditions where a person can’t control their intrusive sexual impulses, or those impulses get in the way of leading a healthy and happy life, either through the person’s behavior, or by distracting them from other important things, like work or family life.
What causes hypersexuality?
The jury’s still out on that one, but experts think there are probably many possible causes, and that they’re as varied as the people who experience hypersexuality. For some, it may be a totally natural thing to do with hormones. Others may have had experiences regarding sex in their childhood that influence their sexual behaviors as adults. What matters is that hypersexuality isn’t anyone’s “fault,” and isn’t something to be ashamed of.
On that note, many people only think they’re hypersexual because of their personal beliefs toward sex, which throws an extra wrench into the machine. If sex is something someone is generally ashamed of, they’re more likely to worry that they’re doing it wrong, or that something is wrong with them, and come to the conclusion that they’re hypersexual. But again, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, even if you are actually hypersexual!
Is hypersexuality treatable?
Often, yes! That is, if someone decides they want it “treated.” Actual hypersexuality is hard to medically diagnose, but it’s possible to visit a therapist or psychiatrist for a professional opinion. If you believe you are hypersexual, these pros can talk you through it to help you better understand your body and your emotions, and come up with strategies to get your sex drive more in line with your preferred lifestyle.
Remember, this is just an online quiz! We’re not medical professionals, and we don’t know you well enough to make a definite call on your sexuality, but we hope we can help you better understand it.
Want to learn more?
For more information about hypersexuality and sex addiction, visit these helpful resources: