Nestled on Mount Greylock in Adams, Massachusetts, sits Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, North America’s premiere wizarding academy. Similar to Hogwarts, Ilvermorny sorts its new students into 1 of 4 unique houses: Thunderbird, Wampus, Pukwudgie, and Horned Serpent.
If you attended Ilvermorny, which school would you be sorted into? Hit “Start Quiz” to find out—no sorting ceremony required.

Questions Overview
- Slaying a giant beast that was threatening my town.
- Inventing a new magical language.
- Finding a fabled magical artifact in a new dimension.
- Discovering the cure to an arcane ailment.
- A journey to embark on.
- A tough battle to wage.
- A lesson to learn.
- A hand to hold.
- Jellybeans that let me see the future.
- A chocolate bar that gives me the strength of 100 people.
- Sour gummies that let me stay awake for a week.
- Peppermints that teleport me anywhere in the world.
- An unanswered question.
- A means to help others.
- A way to become stronger.
- An endless adventure.
- Embark on a quest to steal the cure from the evil wizard.
- Challenge the wizard to a duel.
- Stay behind and help those afflicted.
- Research a way to lift the curse on my own.
- My strength
- My spirit
- My knowledge
- My heart
- Ignorant
- Lazy
- Selfish
- Directionless
- The library
- The kitchen
- The manor grounds and gardens
- The secret passageways
- “Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”
- “I show my scars so that others know they can heal.”
- “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”
- “Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.”
- The sunny path that’s covered with fallen leaves.
- The shadowed path that’s full of flickering lampposts.
- The stormy path that’s filled with thunder and lightning.
- The muddy path that smells of rain and mist.
- I lost track of time reading a good book.
- I got up early to train for my sport.
- I was exploring the opposite side of campus.
- I was helping a friend.
- Doubt
- Guilt
- Terror
- Indecision
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All About Ilvermorny
History of Ilvermorny
- Ilvermorny was officially established in 1637 by pureblood wizard Isolt Sayre and her husband, a No-Maj (Muggle) named James Steward. Originally born in Ireland, Isolt fled for America on the Mayflower to escape her wicked aunt Gormlaith Gaunt, who had murdered Isolt’s parents and kidnapped her as a child.
- Over time, Isolt formed a makeshift family with James, along with two Irish-American orphan wizard boys named Webster and Chadwick Boot. Since the boys couldn’t attend Hogwarts, Isolt decided to found a wizarding school at their own home, which Isolt had named “Ilvermorny” in honor of her late parents’ home. From there, the school started to gain a reputation in the area, and James and Isolt began to add to their own family.
- While Gormlaith eventually tracked Isolt down in America, she was eventually killed by William, a Pukwudgie that Isolt had known since her early days in America. Following that, Isolt, James, and their family were able to enjoy a satisfying life as Ilvermorny continued to grow into the well-known and well-reputed wizarding school it is today.
Ilvermorny Houses
All 4 Ilvermorny Houses are based on magical creatures chosen by Ilvermorny’s 4 founders (Isolt, James, Webster, and Chadwick). Unlike the Hogwarts Houses, which each encompass specific personality traits, Ilvermorny Houses each relate to a specific aspect of a person’s identity: the heart, mind, body, and soul.
House Horned Serpent: The House that signifies a person’s mind. Scholarly wizards tend to be placed here.
House Wampus: The House that signifies a person’s body. Aspiring warriors tend to be placed here.
House Thunderbird: The House that signifies a person’s soul. Adventurous wizards tend to be placed here.
House Pukwudgie: The House that signifies a person’s heart. Aspiring healers tend to be placed here.
Ilvermorny Sorting Ceremony
All new students enter a circular entrance hall, which has a Gordian Knot (a shape made of 3 interconnected ovals) symbol in the center of the floor. This hall also features 4 statues representing the magical animals of each House, each with a special crystal embedded into its forehead. Students step on the symbol one at a time and wait to see which statue lights up—this is the House they’re sorted into. If multiple statues light up, the young wizard gets to choose which House they’d like to be in.
Where is Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Ilvermorny is located in Adams, Massachusetts on Mount Greylock. Through the use of certain enchantments, the school was rendered invisible to anyone nearby.
What is the Ilvermorny uniform?
All Ilvermorny students wear uniforms that are made with both blue- and cranberry-colored fabric, with a Gordian Knot securing the robes in place on the student’s chest. While the uniforms have apparently changed over the years, the official art of Chadwick and Webster features the boys wearing dark blue robes with a cranberry trim and collar.
Want to learn more?
Want to learn more about Ilvermorny and the wizarding world of Harry Potter? Here are a few sites to get you started: