How to Minimize Your Carbon Footprint & Fight Climate Change

Worried about the world we're leaving for future generations, but not sure how to help? This course will walk you through sensible, easy things you can do each day to minimize your carbon emissions and be a part of the solution.


Daily lessons delivered straight to your inbox, completely mobile-friendly
6 days
5 minutes per lesson

What you will learn

  • The difference between a carbon footprint and carbon offsets
  • Simple changes to your shopping habits that will have a large impact
  • How what you eat can dramatically shrink your carbon footprint
  • How to rethink the way you travel, while still going where you want
  • Simple hacks to try at home to reduce your carbon emissions

Why should you take this course?

  1. You want to make a difference but you don't know how. This course will lay out what you can easily do in your own life to tackle climate change, so you can make small adjustments that have a big impact.
  2. You're too busy for a book about reducing your carbon footprint. In just 5 minutes a day, you'll get a quick overview of what you can do to reduce climate impact, followed by a practical challenge to help you put what you learned into action.
  3. wikiHow partnered with to get you the best guidance you can find on this topic. With our course, you're getting practical, proven advice from an organization that is an expert in the field of carbon emissions and reducing climate change.

Course Overview

6 Lessons

Understand Your Carbon Footprint
Shop Smart
Eat Conscientiously
Make Travel Sustainable and Healthy
Live in a Carbon-Friendly Home
Recycle More!

Meet the Expert

Carbon Offset & Environmental Education Company
Carbonfund, powered by ClimeCo, is a Carbon Offset and Environmental Education Company based in Pennsylvania. Carbonfund is leading the fight against climate change, making it easy and affordable for any individual, business, or organization to reduce and offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future. Carbonfund achieves its goals through climate change education, carbon offsets and reductions, and public outreach.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Will it be expensive for me to implement the changes suggested in this course?
How will I receive this course?
What is wikiHow's refund policy?

What are others saying?


I saw this course and it caught my eye because I always wanted to do something to help the environment but never really got around to it. I decided to give this course a try and it was really helpful.


Loved the suggestions, made a few changes and am feeling good about going in the right direction.


It was a good overview, easy to digest. Thanks for the ideas.

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