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What Do My Palms Reveal About My Personality?

Take this quiz to find out!

Did you know your palms can hold secrets from your past, present, and future? Palmistry, or the art of palm reading, uses the lines on your palms to reveal things about your personality, and this quiz will read your palms for you! Just hit “Start Quiz” and prepare to be amazed.

One pair of hands cradles another pair with the palms up, holding them over a table top with candles, cards, and charms underneath them.

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Questions Overview

1. We’ll start with your Heart Line (the red line) on your dominant hand. Pick any emoji when you’re ready.
  1. 🔮
  2. 🧿
  3. 🌙
  4. 💫
  5. 🌑
  6. 🪬
2. Where does your Heart Line (the red line) start? The start is the end closest to your index finger, not your pinkie.
  1. Below my index finger.
  2. Below my ring finger.
  3. Between my middle and ring fingers.
  4. Below my middle finger.
  5. Below my pinkie finger.
  6. I’m not sure.
3. Which of these best describes the shape of your Heart Line (the red line)?
  1. Long and curvy
  2. Straight
  3. Wavy
  4. Dashed or broken
  5. Straight with a circle on the line
  6. I'm not sure
4. Now we’ll look at your Head Line (the blue line) on your dominant hand. Choose any emoji when you’re ready.
  1. 🗝️
  2. 🪷
  3. 🌗
  4. 🌀
  5. 🦋
5. Which of these best describes your Head Line (the blue line)?
  1. Curved and sloping downward
  2. Short
  3. Wavy
  4. Broken or dashed
  5. Deep and long
  6. I'm not sure
6. Now we’ll look at your Life Line (the green line) on your dominant hand. Choose any emoji when you’re ready.
  1. 👁️‍🗨️
  2. 🦇
  3. 🖤
  4. ☪️
  5. 💠
  6. 🐚
7. Which of these best describes your Life Line (the green line)?
  1. I have multiple Life Lines
  2. Short and shallow
  3. Curvy
  4. Broken or dashed
  5. Deep and long
  6. I'm not sure
8. Finally, we’ll look at your Fate Line (the yellow line) on your dominant hand. Choose any emoji when you’re ready.
  1. 🏹
  2. ☀️
  3. 🎴
  4. 🐇
  5. 🃏
9. Which of these best describes your Fate Line (the yellow line)?
  1. The bottom end joins with my Life Line (the green line)
  2. Broken or dashed
  3. It crosses through my Life Line (the green line)
  4. Deep and long
  5. The middle joins with my Life Line (the green line)
  6. I'm not sure

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Palm Reading: Understanding the 4 Main Palm Lines

A cartoon hand with each of the 4 main palm lines highlighted in different colors.

According to palmistry (the practice of palm reading), everyone has 4 main lines on their palms: the Heart Line, Head Line, Life Line, and Fate Line. Each of these lines reveals something different about your past, present, future, and personality. Here's a breakdown of what each of the 4 main palm lines can say about you:

Heart Line
Your Heart Line (the red line in the diagram above) is connected to your emotions and romantic relationships. It can reveal how content you are in your love life, what kind of lover you are, and your romantic past, present, and future. It can also provide insight into how emotionally stable you are and whether you tend to be happy or sad.

Head Line
Your Head Line (the blue line in the diagram above) is connected to your mind. It reveals how intelligent and curious you are, what your learning style is, and how you communicate with others. For example, your Head Line may show that you’re very intelligent and creative with a strong thirst for knowledge, or it may show that you have a short attention span and prefer physical activities over mental ones.

Life Line
Your Life Line (the green line in the diagram above) is connected to your physical health and major life events. It can reveal how energetic you are, how strong you are, and whether or not you’ve experienced any serious injuries. Your Life Line can also indicate if you’ve gone through major life changes recently, like a friend breakup or a big move.

Fate Line
Your Fate Line (the yellow line in the diagram above) reveals how influenced you are by circumstances out of your control (AKA fate!). Your Fate Line may reveal that you’re heavily influenced by fate, or it may show that you’re very independent of external factors and in charge of your own destiny.