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Sex Values Test

Discover what your biggest priorities in sex and intimacy are.

Sex. For some, it’s an important milestone in a committed relationship, and for others, it’s a casual and fun way to spice up day-to-day life. At the end of the day, there isn’t just one “right” way to view and approach sex—but understanding what your personal values about it are might make it a little easier to navigate your future partnerships and flings.

Hit “Start Quiz” to take a deeper dive into your preferences about sex and intimacy.

Two men cuddle and kiss on top of a patterned bedspread.

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Questions Overview

1. How many sexual partners can you see yourself having throughout your life?
  1. Only 1-2—I aim to be bonded with my partner for a long time.
  2. Probably 3-5. I’d love a committed relationship, but I’m ultimately flexible.
  3. At least 5. I crave physical intimacy more for how it makes me feel—commitment isn’t a super high priority.
  4. I’m not really looking for a partner, per say—just someone I can have a good time with.
2. Would you prefer to be in a committed relationship before you have sex?
  1. Absolutely! That’s non-negotiable for me.
  2. That would be nice, but it’s not a requirement.
  3. Truthfully, I don’t really care either way.
  4. Nah. That’s not a priority for me.
3. What’s the most important aspect of a physical relationship?
  1. To gain a strong emotional connection.
  2. A sense of romance.
  3. A sense of pleasure.
  4. A willingness to experiment.
4. Is monogamy a requirement for you?
  1. 100%. All my relationships must be monogamous.
  2. Typically, but I’m willing to negotiate.
  3. Nah, but I’m definitely open to it.
  4. Not at all. If anything, I like having the option to experiment.
5. Would you rather wait until you’re married to have sex?
  1. Most definitely.
  2. Maybe, but not necessarily.
  3. Nah, that seems really unlikely.
  4. Definitely not.
6. Is the concept of virginity important to you?
  1. Yes, very much so.
  2. A little bit.
  3. Not really.
  4. Nope, not at all.
7. Do you feel comfortable discussing your fantasies with people you don’t know well?
  1. No. I’d only feel comfortable talking to my partner.
  2. Not really, but it’s not totally out of the question.
  3. Yeah, I’d be open to it.
  4. Absolutely! I’m happy to talk about my fantasies with many people.
8. Would you be comfortable having a one-night stand with someone?
  1. No—I’m only interested in something committed.
  2. Not especially, but I won’t rule it out.
  3. I don’t mind! My highest priority is having a good time.
  4. 100%. I’m completely comfortable with that.
9. Do you need to be in love before you have sex?
  1. Yes, having an emotional bond is really important to me.
  2. Yeah! Being in a romantic relationship is a high priority.
  3. Nah—it’s nice, but it’s not a requirement.
  4. Absolutely not. Being in love doesn’t define my sex life.
10. Are you open to trying new things in the bedroom?
  1. Nah—I’d prefer to stick with what I know.
  2. Not necessarily, but it really depends.
  3. I’d definitely consider it.
  4. Yes, I definitely would be.
11. Would you feel an emotional bond with someone after being intimate?
  1. Yes, I most definitely would.
  2. Probably, yeah.
  3. Maybe, but it’s not a guarantee.
  4. I’m not sure. That’s not really a factor in when or why I have sex.
12. What’s the main reason you enjoy physical intimacy?
  1. The deep emotional bond we form together.
  2. The sense of romance it provides.
  3. The feeling of pleasure I get.
  4. The ability to experiment and have fun with others.

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The Essentials of a Healthy Sex Life

Sex is one of the simplest yet most profound ways that human beings can connect with one another. That’s why it’s so important to understand what sex means to you as well as what you hope to get out of your sex life in the future!

What are sex values?
Think of sex values as a representation of what sex symbolizes in your life. Is it something that you wish to share with one partner or multiple? Is it a means of seeking emotional fulfillment or simply a way to find physical pleasure? By truly understanding sex’s significance in your life and what you hope to get out of future sexual relationships, you can have an even more rewarding sex life in the future.

Types of Sex Values

  • Traditional: Traditional sex values revolve around themes like emotional intimacy and waiting until marriage to have sex with a partner.
  • Sentimental: Sentimental sex values revolve around themes like romance and monogamy but aren’t quite as strict as traditional values.
  • Self-indulgent: Self-indulgent sex values typically revolve around obtaining pleasure from physical intimacy. With that being said, though, people with self-indulgent sex values can still enjoy monogamous relationships.
  • Experimental: Experimental sex values aren’t rooted in a desire for monogamy and emotional intimacy; rather, they’re centered on a desire to push the envelope and try new things when it comes to sex and sex partners.

How do I know what my sex values are?
Ask yourself the right questions. At the end of the day, knowing and understanding your sexual values is an entirely personal experience. Taking time time self-reflect can be a great way to examine your own beliefs and see where you stand. Try asking questions like:

  • Why do I like sex? What am I getting out of it?
  • Is romance a priority in my sexual relationships?
  • Do I need my partner to have the same values as I do?
  • Am I interested in exploring and experimenting sexually?
  • What turns me on in sexual situations?

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