Happy couples seem to be everywhere you turn. One is holding hands in the park, another is laughing at the lunch table, and even more are making out on TV. So, when is it your turn? Where will you meet your soulmate and more importantly, what will they be like?
Answer these questions about your ideal partner and dating fantasies to discover what your romantic future has in store. Who knows? Your soulmate may be an old artistic soul, a hopeless romantic, or a charming intellect. Click “Start Quiz” to find out!

Questions Overview
- Their smile
- Their laugh
- Their eyes
- Their intellect
- A joke. It’d be nice to laugh.
- A hug. I just want to be held.
- A trip. I don’t care where I go, I just want to escape.
- A pint of ice cream. Dessert soothes my soul.
- Smart, witty, and bright
- Loyal, caring, and protective
- Gorgeous, charming, and romantic
- Brave, ambitious, and unpredictable
- Creative and a bit shy
- Kind but reserved
- Charismatic and a little moody
- Smart but cocky
- While skydiving. Maybe we’ll even hold hands as we jump.
- In class. We could bond over our love (or hate!) for mathematics.
- At an art museum. Maybe we’ll be admiring the same painting.
- Online. If they get my memes, they get me.
- Support me emotionally and physically.
- Make me laugh even when I’m sad.
- Push me to be the best version of myself.
- Make me blush and feel beautiful.
- If they hold the door open for me.
- What they study or do for a living.
- How they interact with the server or staff.
- If they say they like to travel.
- You’ve known them your whole life.
- You’ve been struck by lightning (in a good way).
- You’ve met your other half.
- You’ve become a new person.
- Stability
- Romance
- Creativity
- Adventure
- Curling up on the couch to watch a movie or read a book.
- Going out on the town; eating at a nice restaurant, or hopping from club to club.
- Relaxing in the hot tub with a box of chocolates.
- Going to bed early—I’ve had a long week. My dream partner would understand that.
- Reading or drawing
- Singing or dancing
- Volunteering or teaching
- Hiking or traveling
- Something I’ve never heard of before. I like trying new things.
- Whatever the waiter suggests. I trust their judgment.
- I don’t know. I’ll ask my partner to order for me.
- Whatever looks appealing in the menu pictures. I’m a visual person.
- A bouquet of roses
- A sentimental card
- Something that reminds me of my childhood
- A silly gift that’s based on one of our (many) inside jokes
- Knight in shining armor
- Misunderstood artisan
- Jolly traveler or jester
- Enchanting warlock
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5 Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate
So, now that you know who your soulmate may be, how do you know if you’ve already met them or not? Soulmates can be surprising—maybe your bestie, teammate, or next-door neighbor is actually your one true love! However, you may not realize you’ve met your soulmate if you don’t know the signs. You’ve likely already met your romantic soulmate if:
- There’s intense eye contact. It’ll likely be hard to look away from someone your soul is romantically tied to. If you’re talking to them, you may look deeply into their eyes or maintain eye contact longer than you would with anyone else.
- There’s an instant connection. Believe it or not, many believe you’ll know exactly when you meet your soulmate—you just have to trust your gut! If you feel like you’ve known someone your whole life even though you just met, they may be your soulmate.
- There’s an empathetic connection. You’ll likely understand your soulmate on a deep emotional level. You may feel like you can feel their emotions more than anyone else’s, and that’s likely because your souls or energies are spiritually connected.
- You’re physically drawn to them. Some say there’s an urge to physically move closer to a soulmate. Perhaps you suddenly need to go to the back of a bar or randomly feel butterflies in your stomach. This may be because your soulmate is near.
- You’re supportive of one another. One of the telling signs that you’ve met your soulmate is if you support this person 100%. You want what’s best for them (and they want what’s best for you), even if it means sacrificing your own needs.
Want to learn more?
For more information about soulmates, check out these resources:
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2022/09/16/soul-mates-real-science-research/
- https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/02/scientists-find-a-few-surprises-in-their-study-of-love/
- https://www.gottman.com/blog/psychology-finally-reveals-the-answer-to-finding-your-soulmate/
- https://www.seventeen.com/love/dating-advice/a28844958/soulmate-signs/
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