If you were to wake up tomorrow with super magical abilities, what would they be? Would you fly high above the skyline? Turn invisible with a blink? Pick up cars without breaking a sweat?
Answer 12 fun questions below, and we’ll tell you what superpower you’d have (plus, we’ll even tell you your real-life superpower, too). The sky’s the limit—literally!

Questions Overview
1. Pick something heroic that you’ve done in real life!
- I stood up to a bully.
- I tried something that scared me.
- I helped a sick friend.
- I picked up litter.
- I did random acts of kindness.
- I did volunteer work.
2. What would you do with your superpowers once you had them?
- Save people and fight crime.
- Devote myself to learning my powers.
- I’d panic!
- I’d make my own life easier.
- I’d ignore them—too stressful!
- Take over the world!
3. What do you think is the most valuable quality for someone to have?
- Intelligence
- Compassion
- Ambition
- Patience
- Loyalty
- Creativity
4. Which of the following do you fear the most?
- Being alone.
- Failure.
- Being lied to.
- Being vulnerable.
- Darkness.
- Spiders–ew!
5. Which natural phenomenon appeals to you most?
- A booming thunderstorm.
- A still, frozen lake.
- A brilliant sunrise.
- An erupting volcano.
- The colors of the aurora borealis.
- A meteor shower crossing the sky.
6. What’s your favorite season?
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
- I’m not sure.
- I love them all!
7. How would you describe the style of your room?
- Cozy and full of knick-knacks.
- Modern and minimalistic.
- Colorful, bold, and vibrant.
- Retro but chic.
- Simple, rustic farmhouse vibes.
- Style? It’s just plain messy.
8. If you were a superhero, what would your gadget of choice be?
- A teleportation device
- Thermal goggles
- A bulletproof suit
- A laser pen
- Zero gravity boots
- Web shooters
9. Do you like being the center of attention?
- Absolutely!
- Most of the time.
- In certain situations.
- I don't care either way.
- I usually prefer not to be.
- Never!
10. Your friend is upset. To comfort them, you’re:
- Offering a hug.
- Letting them cry on my shoulder.
- Taking them out to burn off steam.
- Giving insightful advice.
- Rationalizing the problem.
- Telling jokes to make them laugh.
11. Which of these colors do you like best?
- Red, the color of passion.
- Blue, the color of peace.
- Green, the color of growth.
- Yellow, the color of energy.
- Purple, the color of mystery.
- Orange, the color of optimism.
12. Choose an awesome animal:
- Eagles—they’re so free.
- Elephants—they’re gentle giants.
- Vipers—they can always slip away.
- Chameleons—they blend in anywhere.
- Platypus—they’re cute (and just plain weird!).
- Cheetahs—they run like the wind.
More Quizzes
A Quick Glossary of Superpowers
Physical Powers
- Enhanced strength
- Enhanced speed
- Enhanced durability
- Enhanced flexibility or dexterity
- Enhanced stamina
- Bone, DNA, or blood manipulation
- Flight
- Invulnerability
- Indestructibility
- Enhanced vision (X-ray vision or 360-degree vision)
- Extrasensory perception (including clairvoyance or precognition)
- Omnipresence
- Super smell
- Super hearing
- Supernatural awareness
- Invisibility
- Mimicry
- Shapeshifting
Psionic & Mental
- Astral projection
- Empathy (and replicating emotions)
- Enhanced intelligence
- Hypercognition
- Mind control
- Mental manipulation
- Mind-reading
- Panmnesia
- Spiritual or soul manipulation
- Superhuman charisma
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Healing (or health manipulation)
- Regenerative powers
- Self-resurrection (or restoration)
- Self-sustenance
- Offensive powers (such as beam emission, energy attacks, or blast attacks)
- Superhuman combat mastery (boxing, wrestling, martial arts, fencing, and so on)
- Superhuman weapon mastery (swords, axes, knives, bows, guns, and so on)
Nature & Elements
- Air manipulation
- Animal manipulation (and the ability to speak to animals)
- Earth (metal and crystal) manipulation
- Electricity manipulation
- Fire manipulation
- Light (or darkness) manipulation
- Plant manipulation
- Water (and ice) manipulation
- Weather (storm and lightning) manipulation
- Alchemy
- Divination
- Magic manipulation
- Necromancy
- Sorcery (and spellcasting)
- Witchcraft
Want to learn more?
To learn more about different super abilities and powers, check out the following resources: