In the great wide world of iconic and classic cartoons, which cartoon character really speaks to your soul? We’ve got the answer. Do you think you have Bugs Bunny’s quick wit, Winnie the Pooh’s sweet-natured wisdom, or Mickey Mouse’s positivity—or could you identify more with a different character?
Answer a few questions about your personality to find out who your cartoon character twin truly is!

Questions Overview
1. How would you describe yourself in a single word?
- My word would be “clever.”
- I’d describe myself as “funny.”
- I think my word is “wise.”
- I think I’m “brave.”
2. What is (or was) your favorite class in school?
- Social studies. I’m so curious about the world!
- Math. I’m a whiz at solving complex problems!
- Art. I love using my imagination!
- P.E. I have so much energy!
3. Are you more of a loner or a social butterfly?
- Loner, definitely. I like being by myself.
- Social butterfly. I need to be surrounded by people.
- Both, but probably more a loner than a social butterfly.
- Both, but probably more a social butterfly than a loner.
4. What’s your sense of humor like?
- Sarcastic
- Goofy
- Unique and not like other people’s sense of humor
- Witty and clever
5. Would you say you’re calm under pressure?
- Yeah. Even though I get stressed, I never show it.
- Most of the time. I crack jokes to deal with the pressure.
- Absolutely. I don’t get stressed when under pressure—it motivates me!
- No, I tend to break under pressure quickly.
6. Pick a sport:
- I enjoy solo sports like track and field.
- How about an artistic sport like figure skating?
- I enjoy team sports like baseball.
- Yuck, sports? I’d rather do anything else in the world.
7. What sounds like the ideal vacation to you?
- Duh, relaxing at home. My couch is more comfy than any destination!
- An exotic adventure! I want to go somewhere unfamiliar and exciting.
- A beach trip! I want to sit in the sun and soak in the peaceful vibes.
- A camping trip. I want to sit in nature and live off the land!
8. You have to leave the house for your plans in 15 minutes. What are you doing now?
- Still in bed. I need just another minute.
- I’m already out the door. Better safe than sorry.
- I’m enjoying a snack before it’s time to hit the road.
- I’m doing a last-minute check in the mirror to ensure I’m ready.
9. What would you do to get what you want from someone?
- I’d use my natural charisma to charm them.
- I’d use my positivity to ask them nicely.
- I’d use my intellect to impress them.
- I’d use my mischievousness to trick them.
10. You have a day off! What do you do?
- I get outside and start exploring on my bike.
- I clean up my room. I like to stay organized!
- I watch a movie. Time to relax!
- I break out my paints. Let’s get creative!
11. Would you describe yourself as vengeful?
- No, not at all. I prefer to take the high road.
- Not usually, but I am when someone really hurts me.
- Not when it comes to me, but I always stand up for my friends.
- Yes. I fight back when I feel wronged.
12. What trait do you value most in friends?
- Loyalty and supportiveness for sure.
- Compassion and empathy.
- A positive, can-do attitude.
- A great sense of humor.
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10 Fun Facts About Cartoons
- When it aired in 1960, The Flintstones was a huge deal. In fact, it was the most profitable network cartoon franchise for 30 years—until The Simpsons, which first aired in 1989, took its place.
- Bedrock, Colorado, is a real town in the United States, but it gets so much Flintstones fan mail addressed to characters from the show that the post office there has a unique stamp that says, “Return to Sender - Fictitious Cartoon Character.”
- Ever seen a cartoon character pull an object out of thin air when, in real life, it’d be impossible for them to keep it stored that way? That magical storage place is called “Hammerspace.”
- The Addams Family were originally cartoon characters! Their adventures could be found published in the New Yorker.
- Looney Tunes was originally just a way for Warner Bros. to promote their catalog of music. The first Looney Tunes short is called “Sinkin’ in the Bathtub,” which is a play on the song title “Singin’ in the Bathtub.” The song was written for a movie called The Show of Shows (1929).
- Did you know the first Bugs Bunny cartoon could’ve won an Oscar? It was nominated in 1939 along with the first Tom and Jerry cartoon, but both ultimately lost.
- The BBC had to stop broadcasting in the UK during WWII, and the last thing that aired was a Mickey Mouse cartoon (which got interrupted). When the war ended, that same Mickey cartoon was the first thing that played.
- Scar from The Lion King was originally a baboon; in early plans, the film’s conflict focused on competition between baboons and lions, with baboon Scar manipulating Simba so that he could eventually overthrow the young lion.
- Disney’s Belle from Beauty and the Beast was partially inspired by the character of Jo March from Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women—specifically the movie adaptation of the novel that was released in 1933. Jo Marsh is headstrong, independent, and loves to read—and so does Belle.
- In the original He-Man cartoon (in the 1980s), He-Man couldn’t actually use his sword as a weapon, punch, or kick because of broadcast standards during that time. So, he was portrayed as non-violent most of the time and usually outsmarted enemies instead of fighting them.
Want to learn more?
For more information about iconic cartoon characters and their impressive history, check out the following resources: