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What Divergent Faction Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

Candor, Erudite, Abnegation, Amity, Dauntless…everyone falls into one of the five Divergent factions, but where do you land?

If you were born into Divergent, what life would you live? Would you be throwing knives across from your Dauntless BFF, Tris? Or would you be holed up in a library, studying hard next to her brother, Caleb? We have the answer for you here. To discover your true faction, click “Start Quiz” now.

An orange flame burns on a dark background.

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Questions Overview

1. Pick a dream career:
  1. Scientist, historian, or professor.
  2. Therapist, artist, or nanny.
  3. Police officer, firefighter, or jet pilot.
  4. Judge or lawyer.
2. Oolala! You just got a compliment. Which one would you be most pleased to receive?
  1. “You have a generous spirit.”
  2. “I love being around you.”
  3. “I feel like I can really trust you.”
  4. “I think you have an incredible mind.”
3. Someone stole from you (so uncool!). What do you do?
  1. I guess I’ll just let them keep what they stole.
  2. Tell an authority figure ASAP.
  3. Threaten them.
  4. Suggest a trade.
4. Pick a look:
  1. I don’t think about my appearance. I’ll wear whatever.
  2. Bright colors galore! I’d love a vibrant orange, pink, or yellow jumpsuit. Bonus points if it has a fun pattern.
  3. Something rebellious. I want all black, combat boots, leather, and studs.
  4. I need to be taken seriously. I’d go with a chic, collared shirt, slacks, and loafers.
5. Pick a special feature in your dream home.
  1. A guest house so it’s easy to host big group gatherings.
  2. A state-of-the-art lie-detector test. This’ll come in handy.
  3. A giant zipline that extends all over the forest surrounding my property.
  4. A gigantic observatory so I can map out the galaxies.
6. It’s five years in the future. Pick a goal that you’ve accomplished:
  1. I’ve started my own non-profit.
  2. I have a great marriage and am starting a family.
  3. I’ve climbed Kilimanjaro.
  4. I’ve read all of the classics.
7. Which life motto do you love:
  1. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
  2. Live and let live.
  3. Honesty is the first chapter in a book of wisdom.
  4. The future belongs to the brave.
8. A puppy shows up on your doorstep. What’s the first thing you do?
  1. Rush inside and grab my dinner; I’ll feed it to him.
  2. Give the pup some sweet pets and cuddles.
  3. Start knocking on neighbor’s doors immediately: Is this your dog?
  4. Head to the computer to google his breed, local shelters, etc.
9. What do you love most about your BFF?
  1. I know they’d do anything for me.
  2. They keep me in stitches. We’re always laughing together.
  3. Even when it’s difficult, I can trust them to tell me the truth.
  4. They really challenge me. Our conversations are amazing—I always learn something.
10. You’re trapped on a deserted island. What do you bring?
  1. A loving pet to help me feel less alone.
  2. A journal and pen, so I can keep a log for others to read one day.
  3. A weapon, so I can fight off predators.
  4. An encyclopedia set to keep me entertained.
11. Would you rather:
  1. Give away every single material item you own today.
  2. Have to tell everyone in your life exactly what you truly think of them.
  3. Be forced to read 200 nonfiction books per year for the rest of your life.
  4. Have to complete a new terrifying challenge (shark diving, sky diving, etc.) on every birthday.
12. Which activity would you have been involved with in high school?
  1. Volunteering.
  2. Prom court or student council.
  3. Speech and debate.
  4. Athletics, no doubt.
13. The quiz is almost over. If you get a result you don’t like, what will you do?
  1. Accept it. I guess I didn’t know myself as well as I’d thought.
  2. Take it again 'til I get what I want. As if I’ll let a quiz ruin my day!
  3. Take a quiz on another site and compare my answers.
  4. I’ll close the tab, go outside, and forget about it. I’m not into labels anyway.

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Divergent: The Factions, Personality Types & Values

Abnegation: This faction is all about selflessness. In Divergent, they wear plain, gray clothing so as not to draw attention to themselves. They go further than just being kind; they believe in always putting others before themselves. They serve as the nation’s public servants—the idea being that people who are completely selfless and generous will create the fairest version of society.

  • Myers Briggs: INFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ
  • Enneagram: Type 9

Amity: Amity values peace and kindness. They believe in avoiding conflict at all costs. Like Abnegation, they’re generous, but unlike Abnegation, they choose neutrality over everything, including fairness. Because of this, they’re tasked with food production, because it’s service-oriented, but neutral—no matter your beliefs or values, you have to eat!

  • Myers Briggs: INFP, ENFP, ISFP
  • Enneagram: Type 4, Type 2

Candor: This faction is dedicated to truth and honesty. These people believe that lies and deception are the root of all evil and violence. Eliminate them from society, and peace will follow. They believe that dodging uncomfortable truths is easier to do, but harmful over time. If everyone were always open, the world would be a better place. This faction makes up the society’s lawyers and judges.

  • Myers Briggs: ISTJ, ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTP
  • Enneagram: Type 1, Type 6

Dauntless: Dauntless believes in bravery above all. This faction sees weakness and fear as the source of all injustices and major conflicts in society. They live their lives by a simple principle: embrace and conquer fears to make the world a better place. Naturally, they fill societies’ more physical and frightening roles, like police officers and military professionals.

  • Myers Briggs: ESFP, ESTP, ENTP
  • Enneagram: Type 7, Type 8

Erudite: These people believe in knowledge. They’re dedicated researchers and students of the world. This faction believes that ignorance and misinformation hurt society more than anything, and so they devote their lives to learning. They are society’s educators and researchers. It’s also worth noting that in the Divergent series, this faction lost touch with its founding principles and eventually pursued power over knowledge (attempting to overthrow the government entirely!).

  • Myers Briggs:
  • Enneagram: Type 3, Type 5

Divergent: In the Divergent series, these people don’t fit cleanly into one category. They don’t just rely on intelligence, bravery, selflessness, peace, or honesty. They believe that striking a balance yields the best results, and that’s what we really need in society—a combination of strengths and belief systems. Divergents are able to see past the limits of the society that surrounds them. They cut through the noise and march to the beat of their own drum. If you’re “divergent” in today’s reality, you might question longstanding institutions, like the government, gender norms, or religion.

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  • Lexi J.

    Lexi J.

    Jun 11

    "It was very good, and I got the result I wanted."
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