What Does My Crush Really Think of Me?
They love me, they love me not… Do you know what your crush thinks about you when you’re not around? We’re here to help you find out!
Just answer these 11 quick questions, and we’ll reveal how they see you. Do they admire you from afar? Are they a close friend who wants to be something more? Click “Start Quiz” to find out!

Questions Overview
- Well, I know of them, but we haven't talked much. Yet.
- We're super close friends. Almost... too close?
- We're acquaintances. Not quite friends, but definitely not enemies.
- I know a lot about them! ...From what other people have told me.
- Yes, but they always look away whenever I catch them.
- Of course! We look at each other when we're talking, don't we?
- Definitely. They basically stare at me. It's totally cute.
- Well, it's more like they've caught me looking at them...
- Everyone seems to like them, and they're always surrounded by friends.
- They're easy to be around, and we could talk for hours.
- They're sorta shy, and spend most of their time solo, or in a smaller group.
- They're just perfect in every way. What else is there to say?
- Their confidence. They never seem nervous or self-conscious.
- Their sense of humor. They always have something funny to say!
- Their smarts. I feel like they know everything there is to know.
- Their looks. I've never seen someone so stunning.
- We'd go on a scenic walk, just talking and getting to know each other.
- We'd just drive around, looking for trouble or adventure!
- We'd go to a movie, then dinner after. I want to hear everything they'd have to say about the film.
- Bowling! Or maybe minigolf? Something competitive that gets the chemistry going.
- I'm too nervous! I don't even know how to talk to them.
- I want to, maybe, but I also don't want to ruin things between us.
- Totally! Actually, I don't really see them making the first move, anyway.
- It could go either way, honestly. I hope they make it, though...
- Something plain and simple, like just "Happy birthday!" and my name.
- An inside joke nobody else will understand.
- I give them a fabulous compliment to really butter them up.
- I'm buying and writing my own separate card for them! They deserve the most.
- What?! No. I could never...
- We joke around and sometimes get a little flirty, but we always reel it back in before it gets weird.
- All the time! It's so much fun to see them blush.
- Actually, they always flirt with me first!
- Someone else is probably already helping them up, so I just ask if they're alright.
- We laugh it off together and I poke fun at them the rest of the day.
- I offer to help them up, but they run away before I can lend a hand.
- I rush to help them up and our eyes meet in one beautiful, perfect moment.
- I don't really talk to them...
- We both do, pretty equally! I guess we talk so much I don't really keep track.
- It's always me, but I don't mind! I can tell they like talking, but they're just too shy.
- We don't really talk directly, but our friends are always filling us in on each other's latest news.
- The sound of a distant rainstorm rushing closer.
- Laughter echoing through a sunny park.
- Bees buzzing through a busy garden.
- A roaring, cheering crowd bursting with applause.
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Talking to Your Crush
You catch their eye and you get that fluttering, bubbly feeling in your chest that makes you think for just a moment that you’re about to explode. Even just looking at your crush is enough to make you speechless, so how are you supposed to, you know, speak to them? It’s intimidating, we know, but every day and all over the world, people make that first move and the Earth doesn’t stop spinning. In fact, it usually becomes a better place. You can do it! And we’ll help you out. Here are top tips for talking to your crush:
Find out if they’re single.
This is the first thing you should do. If you don’t know, ask a friend, or even a stranger who knows your crush. You might be worried about rumors spreading, but that’s not a bad thing! Once you make your move, your crush will know you like them anyway, so what’s the point in keeping it hush-hush? If they’re single, that’s your green light. If not, you can always wait it out and see what happens. Maybe don’t set your hopes too high that they’ll break up, though. Remember, there are plenty of other fish in the sea!
Make conversation.
You don’t have to skip right to confessing your feelings. That’s one option, sure, but they’re more likely to return your feelings if they’re at least a little familiar with you. Find an excuse to chat! Offer them a snack or a beverage and say the vending machine accidentally gave you two. Ask them what the homework is for that class you have together. Or, just say, “Hi! You seem cool. My name is…” and let things go from there.
Find some hang time.
Again, easing into it is always a good idea. Invite them to hang out somewhere that’s not school, work, or however else you know them. Keep it casual and non-romantic at the start. You might catch a movie, join their sports club, or hit a museum together. If one-on-one time makes you nervous, invite them to hang with your friend group to lower the pressure and have some backup on hand.
Make your move.
Once you feel comfortable approaching your crush on the regular, it’s time to pop the question. Again, casual is key. You could go all-out with flowers and a band, sure, if they’re into that, but most people prefer something smaller. Find a moment where it’s just the two of you and say something like, “Hey, I’ve really liked getting to know you, and I want to know you better. Think we could be something more than just friends?” If they say yes, congrats! If not, don’t let it get you down. You’ve still made a friend for life, and rest assured the love of your life is still out there, somewhere, waiting.
Want to learn more?
For more information about crushes and navigating relationships, check out these helpful resources:
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"This quiz is very insightful and made me very happy. Next time I see my crush, I will admit my feelings to them."