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What Fish Am I?
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Fish are fascinating, intelligent animals that come in all kinds of beautiful colors, shapes, and sizes. They also have unique personalities, just like people! If you were a fish, which one would you be? Hit "Start quiz" to find out!

Questions Overview
1. How do you act around other types of fish?
- They are a possible threat to my authority; I should be in charge!
- Eat them if they're smaller than me. I can always use a good snack!
- They are part of my school. They are basically my family.
- Compliment their unique looks!
2. What color fish would you be?
- I'm happy being any color in the rainbow.
- Warm colors, such as orange and red.
- Cool colors, like blue and purple.
- A paler color like yellow with darker spots.
3. What is your special trait?
- I am territorial and don't like other fish, but I can be trained.
- I get really big, and eat smaller fish.
- I have a cool reflective stripe that makes it look like I glow.
- There are a lot of different varieties of my type of fish. We all look unique!
4. How many other fish do you want to share a tank with?
- Just me. I want to be in control of the tank!
- I don't know, just make the tank big enough to accommodate us all!
- I need at least one other fish of my type, but I can be with other kinds, too.
- I need about 2 other fish to hang out with or I will get stressed.
5. Your human leaves. What do you do?
- I'm lonely. I miss my human!
- Well, no human means no food, which means I'd be eating the smaller fish.
- Nothing. I don't really care.
- Whatever I feel like doing in the moment.
6. Describe your personality.
- Bold and authoritative.
- Adaptable and resilient.
- Small, fragile, and shy.
- Unique and interesting.
7. What's your favorite activity as a fish?
- Observing myself in the reflection of the tank glass.
- Eating lots of food.
- Hiding among plants and rocks in the tank.
- Swimming around with my friends.
8. What's your favorite fish treat?
- Brine shrimp. So yummy!
- Fruit for sure!
- I'm not picky. I like any kind of treat!
- Something frozen and cold.
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Fun Facts About Fish
- Fish actually have good memories. Despite the myth that fish quickly forget things, the opposite is true. Some fish can remember the people who feed them, and researchers have found that fish can even remember a song 5 months after listening to it while being fed!
- Fish communicate with each other. While fish don't have vocal cords, they're still able to communicate with other fish using smells, movement, and even electricity.
- Fish cooperate with other types of fish. Fish sometimes work together with other fish species to hunt, which makes them more successful at catching prey. For example, groupers signal to other fish where prey is hiding so they can work together to catch it.
- There are over 30,000 known species of fish. That's more than 3 times as many types of birds and 6 times as many types of mammals!
- The world's largest fish is the whale shark. That's right—the giant whale shark that can grow to over 50 feet long is a fish! In fact, all sharks are fish.
Want to learn more?
For more information about fish and aquariums, check out these resources: