Your astrological moon sign describes your inner, emotional self. It’s said to determine your deep-seated feelings, hopes, and desires. But astrology is complex— and sometimes, the moon sign found on your birth chart might not feel like a fit.
This quiz will help you determine your true moon sign (the one that best fits your actual personality). Curious to learn what moon sign best fits your experience? Click “Start Quiz” now.

Questions Overview
- An explorer. I love adventure.
- A doer. I like staying busy.
- A thinker. I usually take the logical route.
- A feeler. I’m typically the emotional one of the group.
- Selfishness. I tend to put my needs first.
- Perfectionism. I hate disappointing people.
- Indecisiveness. I tend to get stuck in my own head.
- Sensitivity. I feel emotions deeply.
- Love to be flirty. I’m extremely passionate.
- Take it slow. I want to make sure I’m physically and mentally attracted first.
- Talk a lot. What? I enjoy stimulating conversations.
- Fall hard fast. I get attached pretty quickly.
- I spend what I want, when I want. End of story.
- I tend to splurge every now and then, but I do have a budget.
- I save a lot, just so I can take my loved ones on fun experiences.
- I tend to shop when I’m sad. My savings don’t last long.
- Go to a party. It’s time to have fun and get wild!
- Text my crush. What? I’m feeling hot.
- Go to the museum or library. Maybe I’ll bring some friends with me.
- Sleep in! My weekends are all about relaxing.
- Bold, confident, and determined.
- Creative, generous, and ambitious.
- Adventurous, honest, and fair.
- Talkative, adaptable, and smart.
- Competition. That’s what life’s all about!
- Myself, duh.
- World exploration. There’s so much to see!
- Art and literature. I have big feelings and love giving them space to breathe.
- To control nature. I’d love to create beautiful scenes around me.
- Mind reading. It’d be cool to know what people are thinking.
- Telekinesis. I could control anything anywhere at any time.
- To fly. I’d be able to see the world and more!
- Scooch closure. Oops! Maybe I’ll “accidentally” touch their arm.
- Smile and ask if they need anything. I’ll do anything for them.
- Wink and flirt. Yep, I’m that confident.
- Strike up a friendly chat. I’m an excellent conversationalist.
- A beauty guru. I’ve always enjoyed the finer things in life.
- A doctor. I’ve always dreamed of helping people.
- A queen/king. I’ve always wanted to rule the world.
- An artist. I’ve always wanted to express my feelings and create beauty.
- An at-home theater. I’m a homebody, and I’m not afraid to admit it!
- A magic ball that could tell me who to trust. You can never be too sure.
- A fully stocked art studio. I’d be able to create anything and everything.
- Power. Yeah, I’m one of those people.
- A hermit crab
- A scorpion or spider
- A betta fish
- A horse or goat
- Pour myself a cup of tea and watch a movie.
- Journal and let out all the emotions I’ve been hiding.
- Color in a coloring book while listening to music.
- Call a loved one and tell them all about it.
- Honestly, I’m terrified of being alone.
- Sometimes, I don’t tell the truth just to avoid conflict.
- I sometimes really struggle to share my emotions with people.
- I’m really afraid of commitment, and sometimes it hurts my relationships.
- “Wow, I love how friendly and charming you are!”
- “You’re gorgeous, and you have amazing style.”
- “You’re so authentic. You really march to the beat of your own drum.”
- “I can’t believe how pulled together you are. You really have it all figured out.”
- Debating possibilities. I like to try to see both sides before I make a choice.
- Totally indecisive. I really struggle with making decisions.
- Thinking far ahead. I’m always planning for the future.
- Following my heart. My emotions get the best of me.
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Understanding the Big 3
Everyone has 3 astrological signs (also known as the big 3): sun, moon, and rising. More often than not, when someone says they’re a “__ sign,” they’re referring to their sun sign. So, why do the 3 matter, and what do they say about you? To put it simply, you’re more than just one sign—you’re a complex human being, after all! The big 3 compile your most important inner and outer traits to help you understand your personality.
Your sun sign represents your ego and motivations. This sign describes your overall attitude and spirit. Some people believe that it also represents your purpose in life, or you at your best. To most people, the sun sign is the most important placement on your astrological birth chart.
Your moon sign determines your inner emotional nature. This sign represents the part of yourself you don’t always show. Think of it as the deepest, most personal part of yourself. You only display this part of your personality to those you trust.
Your rising sign shows how you present yourself to others. This sign is what everyone sees you as—it’s how you act on a daily basis. Think of it like the mask you wear in public. The rising or ascendant sign governs how you carry yourself, process information, and connect with others.
For instance, let’s say your natal or birth chart identifies you as an Aries sun, Capricorn moon, and Cancer rising. As a Cancer rising, you’ll come off to others as extremely sensitive and sweet. As an Aries sun, you’d probably feel like your goal in life is to be a passionate, energetic leader. As a Capricorn moon, you might have a deep-seated desire to improve yourself and to stay internally calm and stable.
Want to learn more?
For more information about astrology and moon signs, check out these sources:
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"I'm actually a Leo and I got Gemini, but that's okay because this test is fun!"