These days, jumping into the dating pool can feel more like leaping into the ocean. How are you supposed to know who your best matches are when there are so many women out there also looking for love?
There’s no replacement for taking the time to get to know someone—but knowing the type of woman you vibe with best may help speed the process along. Ready to narrow things down? Hit “Start Quiz.”

Questions Overview
- She’s making something with the meal plan she made for the week.
- No idea—we’ll probably just order takeout when we start to get hungry.
- We’re trying a new restaurant that just opened up in town.
- We’re making a healthy meal together.
- A rental house with a porch, pool, and gym.
- An RV with a built-in shower.
- A quaint apartment with an amazing view.
- A hotel that’s in the center of everything.
- Grit
- Enthusiasm
- Patience
- Passion
- Cats. They’re active when they want to be, but know how to chill out.
- Dogs. They’re always looking out for the members of their pack.
- Birds. They’re so vocal and free-spirited.
- Fish. They’re pretty self-sufficient and get to explore their surroundings all day.
- A weekend getaway for me and my pals.
- I’m going to save it for a rainy day.
- Not sure—I’ll see where the day takes me.
- I’m going to spend it on a big-ticket item I’ve had my eye on.
- I love bright, sunny days that I can spend outside.
- I love stormy days—they’re so moody and inspirational.
- I love snowy days when I can warm up with hot chocolate.
- I love any kind of weather, as long as I can be with friends.
- Their social life.
- Their goals.
- Their passions.
- Their health.
- Something stylish, like a sports car.
- Something with character, like a pre-owned vehicle.
- Something with plenty of space, like a minivan.
- Something with great gas mileage, like a hybrid.
- I really want to be the one to propose.
- I think it would be cool if she did it.
- I think it would be funny if we both proposed at the same time.
- Who cares? Marriage isn’t a priority for me right now.
- Something stylish, like slacks and a polo shirt.
- Something casual, like a flannel shirt and jeans.
- Something sporty, like bike shorts and a moisture-wicking shirt.
- Something comfortable, like a T-shirt and sweatpants.
- 🏃♀️ (Woman running emoji)
- 🥳 (Partying face emoji)
- 🥰 (Smiling face with hearts)
- 😎 (Smiling face with sunglasses)
- Orange slices.
- Yogurt with granola.
- Tortilla chips flavored with a hint of lime.
- Something I’ve never tried before.
More Quizzes
The Ingredients of a Healthy Relationship
While figuring out your ideal “type” can be helpful when you’re first jumping into the dating scene, it’s not what you should really be focusing on when it comes to a long-term relationship. Truthfully, we’re all unique, and individuals can’t accurately be lumped into different categories—in fact, the essentials of a healthy, long-lasting relationship don’t revolve around basic interests and “types” at all.
Here are some tips to help you have the best, most fulfilling relationship possible, regardless of who you end up dating:
Communicate exactly what you need. Nobody likes to play guessing games in relationships. If something’s on your mind, tactfully and respectfully bring it up to your partner so you can both come to an agreeable workaround. Using “I-statements” can be a helpful way to express your needs without putting your partner in the hot seat.
Practice active listening. Active listening is all about taking extra, intentional efforts to help your partner feel heard in a conversation. Making eye contact, nodding at the appropriate times, and asking clarifying questions are just a few ways you can practice great listening skills.
Schedule quality time together. Life can get busy, but make sure that you and your partner spend intentional time together. This can be as simple as enjoying a movie night at home or as elaborate as planning a romantic picnic.
Keep separate interests from your partner. Yes, quality time is a super important part of any relationship—but making time for yourself is just as important! Doing activities and participating in hobbies that you personally enjoy are great ways to maintain your own sense of identity, rather than completely merging your sense of self with your partner.
Learn from your mistakes. Maybe you say something on accident that hurts your partner’s feelings or do something that inadvertently triggers a past trauma. Take time to learn from these errors so you can better respect their boundaries and be the best partner that you possibly can be.
Get physical. All kinds of physical touch (not just sex) can play a valuable role in how intimate with and close you feel with your partner. Holding hands, cuddling, hugging, kissing, or even gently touching their arm are all meaningful physical gestures that can enrich your relationship.
Focus on solutions rather than being “right.” In the heat of an argument, it can be tempting to push and push until you finally emerge as the “victor.” There aren’t supposed to be “winners” and “losers” in a relationship, though—instead, the focus should be on striking a healthy balance between your and your partner’s needs and wants.
- Don’t be afraid of conflict. Confrontation is an inevitable part of any long-term relationship, be it romantic or platonic. Instead of seeing future arguments and conflicts as something to fear, view them as an opportunity to better understand and get even closer to your partner in the future.
Want to learn more?
It’s important to understand the building blocks of a healthy relationship, regardless of the “type” of woman you’re dating. Here are some handy resources to help keep you informed: