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What Is My Weakness?

Take this quiz to find out!

Weaknesses. We’ve all got them, but we rarely ever want to admit it. Sure, they’re tough to swallow, but knowing what yours are can help you become the best version of yourself!

Don’t believe us? Take this quiz to find out what your biggest weakness is. By answering a few silly personality questions, we bet you’ll learn something new.

(Or don’t take the quiz. Perhaps that’s your weakness, dear reader. We dare you to prove us wrong.)

A metal chain that's been broken in the middle and re-secured with a twist tie.

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Questions Overview

1. Which of these animals are you most like?
  1. Dolphin
  2. Cat
  3. Horse
  4. Dog
2. It’s vacation time—woohoo! Where are you headed?
  1. The mountains. I want to hide away in a cabin.
  2. The tallest rollercoaster in the world! I’ve got to experience that.
  3. The mall, duh. What’s a vacation without a shopping spree?
  4. I don’t know. My family won’t decide and it’s killing me.
3. How would your best friends describe you?
  1. Opinionated
  2. Reserved
  3. Stubborn
  4. Restless
4. If you were a color, what color would you be?
  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Green
  4. Blue
5. What do you like most about yourself?
  1. My drive. I know I can do anything.
  2. My caring heart. I have a lot of love to give.
  3. My protecting nature. I won’t let anyone hurt those I love.
  4. My confidence. I’m not afraid of anything.
6. At the end of the day, you’d say you’re an:
  1. Introvert. I prefer my own company.
  2. Extrovert. I love being around people!
  3. Ambivert. I like to socialize, but I need my alone time.
  4. I don’t know. Does this question really matter?
7. It’s party time! Where can you be found?
  1. In the corner. Parties aren’t really my scene.
  2. On the center of the dance floor. I have to show off my outfit!
  3. In a circle of friends. Yeah, I know everyone here.
  4. With the DJ, asking them to change the song. They seriously call this music?
8. You’re outside. It’s dark. You hear a rustling. What do you do?
  1. Run away as fast as I can. One sound and I’m out.
  2. Turn on the flashlight on my phone. Whatever it is can’t hide for long.
  3. Clutch my bag. If it’s a mugger, they can’t have my stuff.
  4. Get my fists ready. Oh yeah, I’m going to fight.
9. It’s movie night! What type of film are you likely to watch?
  1. Comedy
  2. Romance
  3. Action
  4. Drama
10. You wake up in a cold sweat. What were you dreaming about?
  1. My house burning down. What would I do without my things?
  2. Speaking in front of the class. I hate public speaking.
  3. Telling my deepest darkest secrets. That’s my business and no one else’s.
  4. Failing a test. Who am I without my achievements?
11. Time for a worst-case scenario! Which one would most likely happen to you?
  1. I’d be most likely to fall in front of people. I’m so clumsy.
  2. I’d be most likely to upset a world leader. What? I’ve got a lot of opinions.
  3. I’d be most likely to shop until I drop…literally. I’d probably die at the checkout.
  4. I’d be most likely to run a red light. I swear it was yellow when I saw it.
12. If you had to choose, what do you think your weakness is?
  1. Spending money
  2. Being too critical
  3. Not opening up to others
  4. Having a short temper

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Can You Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths?

There’s no denying that we all have weaknesses. Even the most confident person can feel a bit weak sometimes—that’s part of being human! But what can you do about your weaknesses? Will they haunt you your whole life? Well, what if we told you that you could turn your weaknesses into strengths? Weaknesses don’t have to be your downfall; they can be what lift you up! Check out these tips to learn how you can overcome your weaknesses:

  • Think of your weaknesses like a to-do list. Ask yourself what you need to work on to improve, then consider the steps you can take to become the best version of yourself.
  • Learn about your weaknesses. Knowledge is power, and the more you know about what’s holding you back, the more strength you’ll have over it.
  • Tackle weaknesses with your strengths. There isn’t one foolproof way to look at a task. View things from multiple angles and use what you’re good at to compensate for what you’re “bad” at.
  • Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help every once in a while! Overcoming your weaknesses doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor.

Reader Success Stories

  • Anonymous


    Jun 25

    "I liked that it was very true, but there could be more answers to each of the questions for more of a detailed and..." more
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