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What Type of Girl Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

Girl, you’re amazing—you’re one of a kind! You know that you can’t be put into a box, but still, it’s fun to imagine what box you could fit in. If you were in a book or a movie, what would your identity be? What type of girl are you?

Maybe you’re a confident Cool Girl, a caring Girl’s Girl, a beloved Prom Queen, or an intellectual Thoughtful Girl. We bet that in reality, you’re a perfect mix of all four, but to discover which type of “girl” fits you most, answer these questions below.

Four girls sitting side-by-side with their arms around each other smiling and laughing.

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Questions Overview

1. How would your best friends describe you?
  1. Passionate, smart, and kind.
  2. Loyal, driven, and confident.
  3. Bubbly, energetic, and friendly.
  4. Wild, free, and courageous.
2. What do you think of when you look at a sunset?
  1. My loved ones who are far away—they see the same sun as me.
  2. How beautiful the world can be.
  3. How lucky I am to be alive.
  4. The sun rising on the other side of the planet.
3. Be honest. What are you daydreaming about?
  1. My crush.
  2. My dream closet.
  3. Weekend adventures.
  4. I don’t daydream—I just worry.
4. Which flower are you?
  1. Rose
  2. Daisy
  3. Sunflower
  4. Tulip
5. If you could only do one of these activities for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  1. Making my art. I’m a creative person at heart.
  2. Traveling. I like going to new places.
  3. Reading. I don’t know what I’d do without books.
  4. Texting and calling my friends. I love them all so much!
6. What does your dream home look like?
  1. A cozy house nestled in a quiet neighborhood.
  2. A glitzy apartment in a bustling city.
  3. A quiet cottage hidden in the woods.
  4. An artistic tiny home on wheels traveling across the country.
7. Which of these things do you always have with you?
  1. My water bottle. Gotta stay hydrated!
  2. My planner. I like having an organized schedule.
  3. My pocket mirror. I try to always always put my best foot forward!
  4. A jacket. What? It’s practical.
8. When you’re shopping, what do you gravitate towards?
  1. Bright jewel tones: pinks, blues, and purples.
  2. Neutral tones: green, navy, and burnt orange.
  3. Basic tones: white, black, and gray.
  4. Soft happy colors: yellow, purple, and red.
9. Which of these scent combinations are you drawn to most?
  1. Rose and lemon
  2. Vanilla and cedarwood
  3. Lavender and vanilla
  4. Orange and mint
10. Which of these quotes speaks most to you?
  1. “Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.”
  2. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
  3. “Whatever is in me is stronger than what is out there to defeat me.”
  4. “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”
11. What ice cream flavor are you?
  1. Vanilla
  2. Chocolate
  3. Strawberry
  4. Mint chocolate chip
12. Close your eyes and imagine your future. What do you see?
  1. My family around the fireplace, we’re all outrageously happy.
  2. I'm in my dream home, grabbing clothes from my dream closet, rising to the top of my career.
  3. New horizons every day, culture, traveling the world.
  4. I have advanced degrees and I’m following my dreams.

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What Are the Types of Girls?

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of types of girls out there! After all, every girl is unique. But, over the years, the internet has categorized certain characteristics and hobbies into “types.” It’s important to keep in mind that these types are based on stereotypes or oversimplified ideas of people. Just because you may fit into one type doesn’t mean you’re necessarily like it 100%—you can be one, two, or even three types combined!

Even so, these are the types we’ve included in this quiz:

  • The Fashion Girlie, who’s always dressing to impress and is updated on all the latest style trends.
  • The Cool Girl, who’s “one of the guys” and confident, clever, and funny.
  • The Thoughtful Girl, the smartest one in the class with the biggest heart.
  • The Girl’s Girl, the wise, mature one who’s always there for you.
  • The Adventurer, who has a wild, carefree heart and isn’t afraid of a challenge.
  • The Corporate Girlie, the natural born leader with big dreams.
  • The Glass Half Full Girlie, who’s the sweetest soul and bestest friend you’ll ever meet.
  • The Prom Queen, the one who can do almost anything and make friends with anyone.

Reader Success Stories

  • Anonymous


    Jun 24

    "The questions are clear, and the answers are at least something someone has felt or thought about in life."
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