Is it just us, or are those wedding bells we hear? That’s right, you’re getting married! The only question is: When? Will you get hitched next month? In 10 years? We’re here to help you find out.
Answer these 11 quick questions, and we’ll predict when you’ll put a ring on it with incredible accuracy. Get ready to walk down that aisle!
(Of course, an internet quiz can’t tell you when you’ll be married with 100% accuracy. We can take a pretty good guess, but think of this as more of a loose prediction than a save-the-date.)

Questions Overview
- Younger than 18
- 18-30
- 31-50
- 51+
- "I knew from the moment I met you that you were the one."
- "It took forever to find you, but now we have the rest of our lives together."
- "I know I met you at the perfect moment, and I'm so glad I did."
- "It feels like I've known you my entire life."
- Yes! And I already have someone in mind.
- I'm ready to commit, but I still need to find my person!
- I might be ready, but it depends on the person...
- I don't think I'm ready to commit just yet! I want my freedom a little longer.
- Absolutely, and as soon as possible!
- Sure, but I'm in no rush.
- Kids aren't my priority, but if they happen, they happen!
- I have nothing against kids, but I don't want them for myself.
- Having a partner by my side for adventures and new experiences.
- Growing old alongside my best friend in the world.
- All of the quiet moments together: sitting, reading, listening to thunderstorms...
- Having a loyal, loving ally through all of life's challenges.
- Destination, beautiful, tropical, warmth.
- Bells, lace, candles, cathedrals.
- Sparklers, music, moonlight, memories.
- Rustic, artistic, forest, fairy lights.
- Someone I meet by chance and fall fast for in a whirlwind romance.
- My current partner—enough said.
- Someone who starts as an amazing friend and who I slowly develop feelings for over a long period.
- Someone incredible who I already know and crush on from afar (and who will fall for me later on).
- I need to be married like, yesterday. I'm ready for my forever romance.
- I'm ready to get married, but I know I should wait for the right time.
- I'm in no rush! I trust that it'll happen when it happens, but I hope that's sooner rather than later.
- I'll happily wait my whole life if it means meeting my perfect person.
- Collaborative, warm
- Magical, fairytale
- Devoted, passionate
- Exciting, adventurous
- Nobody. It's just me, my partner, and the wedding official. I like an intimate ceremony.
- Only our closest friends, and maybe some family, if we can tolerate them.
- Everyone in our circles. We'll want to share the love!
- We'll prop the door open and anyone who wants to can just wander on in.
- Just one, if they’re lucky.
- 2-3.
- As many as they want—love is always possible.
- I’m not sure I know the answer to that.
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Marriage by the Numbers
We don’t have to tell you that getting married is sort of a big deal. It’s a lifelong promise to another person to stand by their side, in sickness and in health, for better or worse. (Of course, if worse does come around, there’s the divorce option… but that’s a topic for another day.) But for some people, it’s a bigger decision than others, and people get married for all sorts of reasons on top of love. What’s more, marriage hasn’t always looked the same throughout history, and differs by culture. Let’s look at some stats:
How many people are getting married?
According to researchers, in 1965 in the U.S., there was an average of 76 married women for every 1000 unmarried women. That may seem low, but keep in mind that getting married isn’t just something you do to kill an afternoon, especially not in 1965 when societal pressures weighed heavy on single women. And if you think that’s a high number, the same research estimates that today, there are only about 31 married women for every 1000. So if you’re not married yet, you’re in good company!
At what age do people usually get married?
According to one study, the average age of married couples in the U.S. in 2022 was about 32 years old, up from 31 years old in 2021, and 30 in 2018. That suggests that people seem to be waiting longer and longer to get married. There are a few possible reasons for that. One is that societal expectations are evolving. Where before marriage was pretty much the default route for most people, it’s become less of a social requirement as the years have passed—people don’t mind being more independent, or even having relationships without bringing marriage into the mix. Another possible reason is economics. It’s no secret that the professional world is getting tougher for young people, and with marriage being something of an investment, and also with young people’s attention focused more on making a living, marriage may be becoming a little less accessible. Or, maybe it just looks different from before.
Does marriage last?
Your marriage is what you make of it. If you and your partner are compatible and enjoy each other’s company, you’re probably going to the grave with that ring on your finger. As for divorce, we’re happy to say that divorce rates seem to be on the decline (though that’s also probably tied to lower marriage rates—fewer marriages means fewer divorces, naturally). Recent data says that in 2011, about 1 in 100 women had gone through a divorce. In 2021, that number dropped to about 7 in 100 women. Don’t let those numbers scare you, though! It’s just one more reason to take things slow, enjoy your relationship, and not be too hasty.
As they say: Only fools rush in!
Want to learn more?
For more information about marriage and wedding statistics and demographics, check out these insightful resources: