Who’s that girl? It’s Jess! New Girl fans love this adorable series for its quotable lines, outrageous scenes, and incredible cast. If you’ve ever wondered which quirky New Girl character you’re most like, then this quiz is for you!
Answer these questions to find out if you’re more like Jess, Nick, Cece, Schmidt, Winston, Coach, Aly, or Reagan.

Questions Overview
- A matching cardigan, preferably with polka dots.
- I don’t accessorize. This shirt isn’t even clean.
- Simple diamond stud earrings. I keep it classy.
- A designer watch. I like the finer things in life.
- Lazy but lovable.
- Tough but loyal.
- High maintenance but ambitious.
- Goofy but sweet.
- Sure, but our personality and values also need to mesh.
- Of course I do! Especially if the person is very attractive.
- Maybe. If it’s a real thing, I hope it happens to me one day.
- Nah, sounds like a fairy tale to me. I’m a realist!
- I love drama. Or romance if the people are hot.
- Comedy. Or musicals, but don’t tell anyone.
- Action, adventure, and anything with sports.
- I love thrillers and horror films.
- I panic internally, then approach with a goofy one-liner.
- I’m usually pretty busy partying, but I’ll walk over to say hi.
- I don’t do anything. My crushes usually make the first move.
- I’ll be charming and confident...if I decide to approach them.
- Fitness. My body is a temple, baby!
- Justice. The law won't uphold itself.
- Independence. I'm my own best friend, and that's how I like it.
- Empathy. I have a big heart, and I'm not afraid to admit it!
- Emotional reactions. Showing emotion in general.
- When someone tries to take away my independence.
- When someone says they're not a dessert person.
- People taking things too seriously. Why do they care?
- Back off, buddy, I would never tell you that.
- I usually sing, but also: crafts and baby animals.
- Something creative, like the plot of my next novel.
- Whatever’s going on with my friends and/or career.
- Two loyal soulmates who cherish each other’s quirks.
- Two lowkey people who don’t expect a lot from each other.
- Two compatible people who bring out the best in each other.
- Two stylish, attractive people who know how to work a room.
- No clue, I’m usually the one that gets dumped.
- Face to face and with brutal honesty.
- Hand-written note on personalized stationery.
- I’d probably text them to avoid being awkward.
- Extremely good. I would never share private information.
- Pretty good, but the responsibility makes me anxious.
- You can trust me! Wait, does telling my cat count?
- I think I’m all right, but others might disagree!
- “Can we just take a minute to celebrate me?”
- “If I were off my rocker, would I take a weekly selfie with my cat?”
- “I need everyone to shut up.”
- “I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone.”
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Fun Facts About New Girl
New Girl was created by Elizabeth Meriwether and originally aired from September 20, 2011, to May 15, 2018. The show revolves around Jess Day, an adorably quirky woman in her late 20s/early 30s. After a bad breakup, Jess moves in with three single guys and the show follows her as she navigates life’s ups and downs with her friends and roommates. Here are some fun facts about the show that you may not know:
Zooey Deschanel wrote and sang the show’s theme song. Deschanel, who played Jess, is a musician and recording artist in her own right, and she took on the task of writing the bubbly theme song that we all know and love.
Creator Elizabeth Meriwether had never worked on a TV show before. Up until New Girl, Meriwether mostly worked on theatrical productions. She wrote and pitched the show based on her experiences as a Los Angeles resident moving from one Craigslist sublet to another. The TV network loved it and New Girl was born.
The original title for the show was Chicks and Dicks. Show creator Elizabeth Meriwether was asked to change the name once the series was picked up by Fox because they were concerned the name might limit the audience. We much prefer New Girl as the show’s title!
Damon Wayans Jr. and Zooey Deschanel went to high school together. Wayans, who plays Coach, and Deschanel go way back! They originally met when they were both high school students at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California.
The actors were encouraged to improvise on set. The actors had a ton of chemistry and riffed off each other with ease. Because of this, they weren’t expected to recite each line from the script–they were encouraged to experiment and improvise. In fact, many of Jess’s character traits are a direct result of Deschanel’s on-set improvisations.
Want to learn more?
Dive deeper into the world of New Girl with these sites: