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What's the Name of My Future Boyfriend?

Take this quiz to find out the name and personality of your next guy!

He loves me, he loves me not…Hold up, who is he, anyway? That’s exactly what we’re here to tell you. Are you destined for the bad boy with the slicked-back hair, or the quiet, sensitive guy with layers?

Just answer these quick questions, and we’ll reveal your next boyfriend’s name and personality. We’re pretty accurate, but just keep in mind that love can be unpredictable, and not even we can anticipate all of romance’s twists and turns.

A happy woman being carried on a man's back.

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Questions Overview

1. What kind of romance do you dream of?
  1. Soft, slow, and easygoing. Every day is a summer afternoon.
  2. Fast, breathless, and pulse-pounding. A motorcycle joyride.
  3. Fun, silly, and playful. Every room in the house is filled with laughter.
  4. Thoughtful, curious, and full of surprises. We're each other's favorite thing to talk about.
2. Pick a first date to kick off your relationship:
  1. We meet by chance at a party and end up talking and laughing together until morning.
  2. He takes me to a cozy restaurant and we swap life stories over 6 delicious courses.
  3. We spend the day outdoors, hiking or swimming, discovering nature and each other.
  4. We see a movie, then can't even leave the theater parking lot because we're so distracted just talking about it.
3. What outfit is he wearing when you first see him?
  1. A leather jacket, jeans that fit just right, and boots that make him even taller.
  2. A perfectly tailored suit, luxury watch, and with every hair on his head in just the right place.
  3. Something casual, even just a t-shirt and shorts, but stylish enough that I can tell he cares about his appearance without being fussy.
  4. A swimsuit—one he looks amazing in. I plan to meet him at the beach, after all!
4. Which general description best fits your dream guy?
  1. Long hair, soulful eyes, and a voice I can get lost in.
  2. Well-dressed, a quick sense of humor, and tall enough to wrap his arms all the way around me.
  3. Great beard, smells like cedar and leather, and good at working with his hands.
  4. Golden retriever energy, but even cuter. A big heart to match his big smile.
5. Choose a dealbreaker in a guy:
  1. I won't have someone who's too busy and rarely has time for me.
  2. I stay away from guys who are too rowdy or do stupid, risky things for fun.
  3. I don't love a guy who takes himself too seriously.
  4. I'm not a fan of men who aren't at least a little in touch with their feminine side.
6. Are you the type to make a move? Or in your opinion, is that his job?
  1. I always make the first move! It's fun.
  2. I might make the first move, if it feels right.
  3. I expect him to approach me, but I won't let a great guy pass me by.
  4. I'd never make the first move. If he likes me, he should tell me!
7. Where will the two of you live together?
  1. In the city, where we can let loose whenever we want.
  2. In a country cottage, where it's quiet. Just us and nature.
  3. In an old house with a gorgeous garden, and friends living nearby.
  4. In a cozy van, which we drive all across the country, seeing the sights.
8. How much do you know about your dream guy already?
  1. Nothing at all. I'm still waiting to meet him!
  2. I've seen him before, and I know he exists, but we haven't actually met just yet.
  3. We're acquaintances for now, maybe friends, but I know we'll get closer.
  4. We're close friends, and I'm just waiting for him to make his move...
9. Pick a song to be *your* song:
  1. "Lover" - Taylor Swift
  2. "Sweet Caroline" - Neil Diamond
  3. "Say My Name" - Destiny's Child
  4. "Take Me to Church" - Hozier
10. What does your dream guy do for work?
  1. He's an artist of some kind! Creative, thoughtful, and sensitive.
  2. He's a craftsman. Maybe a carpenter! He's rugged and works with his hands.
  3. He's a high roller who lives a life of luxury and good taste.
  4. He's more of a wanderer, too busy seeing the world to be tied down with work.
11. Finally, what level of “hot” do you prefer in a guy?
  1. He's gotta be so hot I might burn my hand if I touch him.
  2. He should be adorable and cute, like a big stuffed animal.
  3. I like unconventionally attractive guys. Someone who only gets hotter the more you look at him.
  4. I like the brainy sort of hot. I care about whether or not he can think more than how he looks.

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Meeting the Perfect Guy

It’s true that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but how do you go about reeling one in? And how do you know if he’s really the one? If there were a tried-and-true scientific formula for finding romance, then believe us, we’d all be living the love of our dreams, and you probably wouldn’t be taking this quiz. But isn’t that what’s so great about love? It’s mysterious, unexpected, and hits you when you least expect it. That said, you can help it improve its aim. Here’re some ways to find your true love faster:

Think about what you want in a relationship.
If you don’t know what you’re looking for, how will you know when you find it? While you’re waiting for Mr. Perfect, take some time to picture your ideal relationship, and what you want in a guy. Is he sensitive and quiet? Or more the outgoing and bold type? Is marriage on your to-do list, or would you be happy with more of a casual but lasting situation?

Put yourself out there.
You won’t meet a guy if you don’t try! Dating apps work for plenty of people, and are pretty low-stakes, but we’re also big believers in the old-fashioned way: chance encounters and brushes with strangers out in the real world. Go somewhere public and social, like a café, bar, park, or even a bowling alley, and see what happens! It usually works best if you make yourself a regular, so that other people get familiar with you. Or, recruit a group of friends and hit the town! Make it a team effort. It’s easier to approach a hot guy with a team of cheerleaders behind you.

Try, try again.
Some of us get it right on the first try, and we’re like, super happy for those people. For sure. The rest of us, though, rely on trial and error. The first few Mr. Rights usually turn out to be Mr. Wrongs, but that doesn’t mean romance is dead or you should stop trying! If things don’t work as you hoped, dust yourself off, ask yourself what went wrong and what you could do differently, then get back out there! Romance is an art, and artists don’t just give up if they mess up—they keep painting until they’ve created something beautiful.

Want to learn more?

For more information about relationships and romance, check out these helpful resources: