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Why should you choose wikiHow first?
Why should you choose wikiHow first? Because we put our hearts into giving you the most helpful how-to guides on the Internet. Most publishers have just one lonely author crank out an article and call it good. In contrast, the average wikiHow article has been edited by 23 people and reviewed by 16 people.
Look for articles with the green checkmark as those articles received an additional layer of review. When you see the green expert checkmark on a medical article, you know an actual doctor reviewed a version of it. Similarly, veterinarians review our pet articles and lawyers review legal articles. Find a list of wikiHow's Medical, Legal, Financial and other Expert Article Reviewers here.
We don’t stop there. We’re constantly improving what you see on wikiHow. We monitor the feedback readers leave on each article. If an article is accurate but incomprehensible, we rewrite it. If our illustrations don’t simplify the complex, we redraw them. In fact the average wikiHow article gets changed 9 times per year. Even after readers shower an article with praise, we find ways to make it even better. We never stop.
So you see, wikiHow isn’t just the work of one person. It’s the combined effort of many. Thousands of volunteers, the largest team of illustrators on the web, hundreds of photographers, and over 1700 credentialed experts are continually working and reworking articles till they are the most helpful and reliable how-to guides on the web.
Who partners with wikiHow?
wikiHow is a proud partner of the following organizations:
United Nations Foundation
wikiHow partners with the United Nations Foundation to publish essential medical and health content to our readers around the world.
wikiHow partners with Amazon to deliver how-to instructions and videos from tens of thousands of wikiHow articles on any Alexa device.
wikiHow partners with Samsung to deliver how-to instructions and videos from tens of thousands of wikiHow articles on any Bixby-enabled device.
Mental Health America
wikiHow partners with Mental Health America to co-author and distribute information and guidance on a range of mental health challenges.
Crisis Text Line
wikiHow partners with Crisis Text Line to create mental health guides and resources, as well as to direct readers to trusted crisis support.
Direct Relief
wikiHow partners with Direct Relief to co-author, distribute, and verify critical health and safety content.
Facebook Free Basics
wikiHow partners with Facebook Free Basics to provide free educational content to hundreds of millions of people without traditional access to the Internet.
wikiHow partners with to create videos and how-to guides about the voting process, how to register to vote, and participating in U.S. elections.
wikiHow partners with to share information in support of their efforts to provide equitable access to clean water.
Teach For India
wikiHow partners with Teach For India to deliver teacher development resources to educators across India.
wikiHow partners with Newsela to deliver engaging step-by-step educational content to learners of all ages and reading levels.
California Science Center
wikiHow partners with the California Science Center to produce educational materials for their virtual science camps.
wikiHow in the Press
wikiHow's Collaboration with United Nations Verified
- Verified is a United Nations initiative aimed at delivering trusted information and life-saving advice. Together, Verified and wikiHow provide fact-based, expert-backed information on topics such as COVID-19 safety, responsible Internet use, and more.
wikiHow’s How to Fight Misinformation Online course, developed in partnership with United Nations Verified, was honored as a world-changing innovation by Fast Company
- As a 2022 World Changing Idea finalist, wikiHow has been honored as a company with enduring impact on the world. wikiHow’s groundbreaking course on misinformation, developed in partnership with the United Nations, has empowered thousands of people to help slow the spread of harmful information online. With this award, wikiHow joined the ranks of other trailblazing organizations at the forefront of world-changing innovation for the good of society and the planet.
Start the Award-Winning Course Today
Who are the experts reviewing wikiHow’s articles?
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How serious are we about our mission?
- wikiHow is universal. We’re in 19 languages, including: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese. More in the works.
wikiHow is useful. So useful that Facebook and dozens of mobile phone companies selected wikiHow as a free basic service in 42 countries. In those countries, you can use wikiHow without data charges.
What happens when you try to help everyone?
- wikiHow is the world's leading how-to website. Comscore ranks wikiHow in the top 150 most visited publishers in the world.
- wikiHow is an award-winning website. We’ve won multiple awards, including a Webby Award for Community and the Co-Creation award in the Open Innovation competition, by The Guardian and Nesta. We’ve also been favorably referenced in: The New York Times, BBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, ABC, CBS, Fox, Forbes, The Times of India, CBC, The Guardian, USA Today, The New Zealand Herald, and more.
- wikiHow is often referenced in pop culture. Film and TV include: The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Parenthood, and The Identity Thief (movie). Celebrities including: Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Garner (on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon), and Chrissy Teigen have shared how they used wikiHow.
wikiHow changes lives. At least 4 babies have been born in an emergency situation using a wikiHow article. Has wikiHow impacted your life? Tell us!
wikiHow was a 2019 Forbes Small Giant
wikiHow works with a small but mighty team to make a huge global impact. wikiHow was honored as a Small Giant in 2019 for our dedication to greatness, growth, and people over profit.
Read more about wikiHow’s journey to helping everyone on the planet.
wikiHow was featured on Bloomberg TV's The American Dream
wikiHow, and the story behind its founding, was featured on a 2021 Bloomberg TV show The American Dream, a series showcasing examples of entrepreneurial success. Hosted by Oscar nominated actor Eric Roberts, The American Dream inspires its audience with stories of how simple ideas, along with big dreams, can create profitable businesses that also have profound global impact.
Watch wikiHow’s story in The American Dream.
How did wikiHow come to be?
Jack Herrick founded wikiHow in 2005, fueled by the same educational mission that guides the site today. To ensure the company achieved this mission over the long term, Jack refused venture capital funding and opportunities to sell the company to larger publicly traded corporations. wikiHow remains a hybrid organization, a for-profit company focused on achieving a socially positive mission. wikiHow is headquartered in Palo Alto, California and also maintains a few remote offices.